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Joyeux Noël 2022 avec le script Python surprise de TI-Planet

Unread postPosted: 25 Dec 2022, 00:00
by critor
Image Français - English Image

Minuit par une belle nuit de Noël... nos calculatrices couleur viennent toutes de se réunir solennellement autour du sapin, elles ont quelque chose à te dire...

Télécharge l'un des scripts ci-dessous et laisse-le s'exécuter pour le découvrir. ;)

Téléchargements :
Midnight on a beautiful Christmas night... our graphing calculators have all gathered around the tree, they have something to share with you...

Download one of the scripts below and let it run to find out ;)


Re: Joyeux Noël 2022 avec le script Python surprise de TI-Pl

Unread postPosted: 25 Dec 2022, 00:21
by Adriweb
Oh, très jolis scripts, pour un très joli post, bravo !
(à voir sur ordinateur, parce que sur mobile, les lecteurs sont probablement plus confus qu'autre chose haha)

Et joyeuses fêtes à tous :)

Re: Joyeux Noël 2022 avec le script Python surprise de TI-Pl

Unread postPosted: 25 Dec 2022, 00:23
by critor
Merci. :)

Et pour une fois il y a une version compatible CE. ;)

Re: Joyeux Noël 2022 avec le script Python surprise de TI-Pl

Unread postPosted: 25 Dec 2022, 00:24
by Shadow
Excellent travail ! :bj: (merci pour la version CE)
TI-Planet vous souhaite de bonnes fêtes :)
En passant, post sur Instagram ; ... hare_sheet

Père Noël = TI-Planet admin

Re: Joyeux Noël 2022 avec le script Python surprise de TI-Pl

Unread postPosted: 25 Dec 2022, 09:58
by iard
Joyeux Noël / Merry Christmas
Very nice surprise!

Since I can't use TI-Connect to send Python files through USB under Linux, I've used TILP2 to send the downloaded .8xv on my TI-84 Plus CE-T Python Edition, but it's not recognized as a PY extension, so I edited the .py source and added "PYCD" followed by Unicode character 00 (example using VIM: INSERT, Ctrl+V, 000), then saved the source and built the .8xv using keoni29's to8xv utility from GitHub, and sent it again with TILP2. Now it sees the extension PY and works great! Maybe there's an easier way, but I don't know it ;)

On Casio fx-CG50 using Casio's official Python it also works great. I tried running it with Lephenixnoir's PythonExtra 0.1.0-beta and the only difference I can see it that (I think) doesn't use the whole screen, it leaves a blank line below and a blank column at the right.

Again, Merry Christmas to all!

Re: Joyeux Noël 2022 avec le script Python surprise de TI-Pl

Unread postPosted: 25 Dec 2022, 10:26
by critor
Thanks. has not been taylored for PythonExtra yet, but it is planned. :)

It probably also needs to be taylored for the fx-CG50 full edition of KhiCAS.

Re: Joyeux Noël 2022 avec le script Python surprise de TI-Pl

Unread postPosted: 25 Dec 2022, 19:33
by Adriweb
iard wrote:Since I can't use TI-Connect to send Python files through USB under Linux, I've used TILP2 to send the downloaded .8xv on my TI-84 Plus CE-T Python Edition, but it's not recognized as a PY extension, so I edited the .py source and added "PYCD" followed by Unicode character 00 (example using VIM: INSERT, Ctrl+V, 000), then saved the source and built the .8xv using keoni29's to8xv utility from GitHub, and sent it again with TILP2. Now it sees the extension PY and works great! Maybe there's an easier way, but I don't know it ;)

That's... odd, the file should send right away just fine hmmm. ?

Anyway, there's also my tivars_lib_cpp software that can get/set python content in an appvar:

Re: Joyeux Noël 2022 avec le script Python surprise de TI-Pl

Unread postPosted: 26 Dec 2022, 07:54
by iard
Thank you, I'll look into the library.
So I've downloaded the archive again, extracted Noel2022.8xv and opened it with a hex editor.
Shouldn't it contain PYCD in the header to be identified as a Python appvar?

Re: Joyeux Noël 2022 avec le script Python surprise de TI-Pl

Unread postPosted: 26 Dec 2022, 09:11
by critor
Hello. The CE-Python calculators archive contains 2 files :
- a .py file with the script
- a .8xv file which is not a Python script, but the used image to the CE-Python official format (IM8C, which relies on RLE compression)

Re: Joyeux Noël 2022 avec le script Python surprise de TI-Pl

Unread postPosted: 26 Dec 2022, 10:11
by iard
Oh, silly me ;) Thank you. Still can't send the .py file with TILP2 unless I make it a .8xv using the procedure described above.