
Can someone help me solve this problem?

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Can someone help me solve this problem?

Unread postby randall weidner » 29 Apr 2015, 12:45

Could someone help me out with how to solve this problem. Thank you in advance.
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randall weidner
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Re: Can someone help me solve this problem?

Unread postby annales2maths » 29 Apr 2015, 13:59

a. As
$mathjax$s(0) = 1$mathjax$
$mathjax$s(0) = a \cos(0 \times \omega) = a$mathjax$
then we can find the value of

We also know that the period is
that means that for all
$mathjax$s(x+P)= s(x)$mathjax$
. Therefore
$mathjax$a \cos\left(\omega x + \omega \times P\right) = a\cos(\omega x)$mathjax$
But the period of the cosine function is
. So
$mathjax$\omega P = 2\Pi$mathjax$
. That will give you the value of

b. You just have now to evaluate your function with the value of
found at the previous question.

c. Use your calculator to sketch the curve of your function and look around
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