
Display matrix rows and columns

Display matrix rows and columns

Unread postby victorio12345 » 12 Apr 2018, 10:24

I'd like to know how to display matrix columns. If you dou Matrix(1), the first row is displayed. But i don't know how to do the same but for tge column.
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Re: Display matrix rows and columns

Unread postby Extra44 » 12 Apr 2018, 10:48

Maybe by tranposing (column <-->lines)and then doing...
transposed_matrix(1) ?
But i dont know each instruction for that...
Then if you want a column do again a tranposing instruction.
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Re: Display matrix rows and columns

Unread postby victorio12345 » 12 Apr 2018, 11:00

Extra44 wrote:Maybe by tranposing (column <-->lines)and then doing...
transposed_matrix(1) ?
But i dont know each instruction for that...
Then if you want a column do again a tranposing instruction.

The thing is that if you do [1 2 3]▶Matrix(1) it introduces your vector in the first row of your matrix. So if id like to do the same but for a column i dont know if it would be practical to transpose, insert and transpose again.
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Re: Display matrix rows and columns

Unread postby parisse » 12 Apr 2018, 14:18

In CAS, if m is your matrix with n rows, you can get or set column c with m[1..n,c]
For example m:=ranm(5,5); m[1..5,2] returns column 2, m[1..5,2]=seq(j,j,1,5) sets column 2.
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Re: Display matrix rows and columns

Unread postby victorio12345 » 12 Apr 2018, 14:46

parisse wrote:In CAS, if m is your matrix with n rows, you can get or set column c with m[1..n,c]
For example m:=ranm(5,5); m[1..5,2] returns column 2, m[1..5,2]=seq(j,j,1,5) sets column 2.

That was what I was looking for! Thank you very much!
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