
[FR/EN] Installation du switch Ndless 3.1/3.2/3.3/3.6

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Re: [FR/EN][TUTO] Installation du switch Ndless / 3.6 CX

Unread postby critor » 25 Oct 2013, 16:08

Pas du tout, t'inquiète :)
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Re: [FR/EN][TUTO] Installation du switch Ndless / 3.6 CX

Unread postby critor » 30 Oct 2013, 15:23

Tutoriel en premier post mis à jour et formaté pour la nouvelle version du pack n'utilisant plus les contrefaçons de l'OS 3.6, et supportant en prime les TI-Nspire monochromes.
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Re: [FR/EN][TUTO] Installation du switch Ndless / 3.2/3.3/3.

Unread postby nomercytd » 30 Nov 2013, 14:12

Hello, thank you for the tutorial, I have a question...
I have a Ti-Nspire CX with the version CX CAS (I did the transformation pack), and I want to know is if I do this tutorial, with I keep the CX CAS and the 3.6(NON-CAS)?
Or will I get the CX (NON-CAS) and the 3.6 CX (NON-CAS)?
Because I wanted to keep the CX CAS...
Thank you,
I'm wainting for anwser :)
Best regards
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Re: [FR/EN][TUTO] Installation du switch Ndless / 3.2/3.3/3.

Unread postby critor » 30 Nov 2013, 14:15

Hi !

Yes, you can.
Just follow the instructions and use the files in the non-CAS subfolder of the Ndless/3.6 switching pack.

But before the final step (sending 'nlaunch.tco'), overwrite the 'phoenix.tns' in the 'nlaunch' folder of the calculator with the one from the CAS subfolder of the pack.

With this, you'll be able to switch between:
- 3.1 CAS
- 3.6 non-CAS
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Re: [FR/EN][TUTO] Installation du switch Ndless / 3.2/3.3/3.

Unread postby nomercytd » 30 Nov 2013, 14:35

critor wrote:Hi !

Yes, you can.
Just follow the instructions and use the files in the non-CAS subfolder of the Ndless/3.6 switching pack.

But before the final step (sending 'nlaunch.tco'), overwrite the 'phoenix.tns' in the 'nlaunch' folder of the calculator with the one from the CAS subfolder of the pack.

With this, you'll be able to switch between:
- 3.1 CAS
- 3.6 non-CAS

Hi, I did it, and it has restarted with the 3.1 CAS, but when I tryed to change for the 3.6 the calculator does the loading but it stucks in that grey screen with the litle clock (the clock starts moving and then stops for ever).
What should I do?
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Re: [FR/EN][TUTO] Installation du switch Ndless / 3.2/3.3/3.

Unread postby critor » 30 Nov 2013, 14:42

Then either there is an error in the pack, either you messed up something with the files and did put the 'phoenix.old.tns' file from the CAS folder on your calculator, which won't work.

You need to access the maintenance menu by holding :nsdo: :nsen: :nsee: while pressing the restart button on the back, and to remove the OS (choice #2).

Then, you'll need to reinstall the switching pack at the "install OS prompt":
- send 'CAS\nlaunch\nlaunch.tns' and 'CAS\nlaunch\phoenix.tns' to the 'nlaunch' folder of your calculator (this is the 3.1 CAS OS)
- send 'non-CAS\nlaunch\phoenix.old.tns' to the 'nlaunch' folder of your calculator (this is the 3.6 non-CAS OS)
- send 'non-CAS\nlaunch.tco' (this is the installer for the non-CAS CX)
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Re: [FR/EN][TUTO] Installation du switch Ndless / 3.2/3.3/3.

Unread postby nomercytd » 30 Nov 2013, 14:58

critor wrote:Then either there is an error in the pack, either you messed up something with the files and did put the 'phoenix.old.tns' file from the CAS folder on your calculator, which won't work.

You need to access the maintenance menu by holding :nsdo: :nsen: :nsee: while pressing the restart button on the back, and to remove the OS (choice #2).

Then, you'll need to reinstall the switching pack at the "install OS prompt":
- send 'CAS\nlaunch\nlaunch.tns' and 'CAS\nlaunch\phoenix.tns' to the 'nlaunch' folder of your calculator (this is the 3.1 CAS OS)
- send 'non-CAS\nlaunch\phoenix.old.tns' to the 'nlaunch' folder of your calculator (this is the 3.6 non-CAS OS)
- send 'non-CAS\nlaunch.tco' (this is the installer for the non-CAS CX)

Thank you soo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's working!!! thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
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Re: [FR/EN][TUTO] Installation du switch Ndless / 3.2/3.3/3.

Unread postby Maverick9414 » 11 Dec 2013, 15:07

I have a Ti-Nspire CX with Boot2 version 3.10.16, OS Version Is it possible to use this on my calculator?
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Re: [FR/EN][TUTO] Installation du switch Ndless / 3.2/3.3/3.

Unread postby critor » 11 Dec 2013, 15:10

Yes it is :)

First post does explain this and is available in english if it didn't default to english for you:
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Re: [FR/EN][TUTO] Installation du switch Ndless / 3.2/3.3/3.

Unread postby dragontran » 11 Dec 2013, 20:35

bonjour, je n'arrive pas a installer ndless sur mon cx cas, en effet, j'ai installé os comme sur tuto mais mon boot2 est 3.10.16( sur tuto) et je me suis bloqué sur l'écran de chargement os( etap 9), Au niveau de matériel, ma calculatrice est i , est ce que quelqu'un peut m'aider ? Merci
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