
Upgrade Graph 25+Pro/35+/85 / fx-7400GII/9750GII/9860G/GII

Re: Upgrade Graph 25+Pro/35+/85 / fx-7400GII/9750GII/9860G/G

Unread postby Studie » 24 May 2023, 03:15

Thanks for the excellent thread, I might have made a big mistake.
Flashed a SH4 firmware on my SH3 calculator.

Now when I try to flash any other software versions it gets a OS-Version unknown offset error.
Any idea how to fix it? Reset the calculator doesn't do anything.

Please advise!
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Re: Upgrade Graph 25+Pro/35+/85 / fx-7400GII/9750GII/9860G/G

Unread postby Chillkroete » 15 Nov 2023, 23:41

Hello everyone!
I need help with my fx-9750II. I didn't use it for like 10 years and now back at school I need it.
So the batteries went bad and lost some fluids. I cleaned everything up and put some new batteries in but the only thing it does is saying "OSUpdate".

So i checked the version with the diagnostic mode (02.00.0700) and the boot code date A (2009.0203.1852)
and used the fxRemote to upgrade the software (usb driver is installed).

So here's the problem, i tried every .bin file and none of them is working. The 2.01 causes no error but it won't start the flash process, all the other files are causing an error.

Any ideas what's wrong here?
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