
Win 2 January 2021 NumWorks limited edition covers in the US

Win 2 January 2021 NumWorks limited edition covers in the US

Unread postby Admin » 12 Jan 2021, 10:26

13036For back to school 2019, NumWorks started with a first limited edition collector cover for your NumWorks calculator, the Macaremath. Beautiful dance moves, aren't they ? ;)

NumWorks renews and improves the experience for this 2020-2021 school year. You've had several occasions to dress your calculator in a unique way and stand out ; you have already had the opportunity to win:

Last week for France, NumWorks announced 12 copies to win of its new 2021 January limited edition cover replicating your calculator.

Today NumWorks is also wishing United States a happy New Year 2021, with 2 copies of the 2021 January limited edition cover to win.

To participate and win it's very simple, depending on the social network you just need to :
  1. follow/subscribe to the manufacturer's account
  2. comment/reply to the giveaway announce, and tag/identify a friend in the case of Instagram

Here are the 2 annonces : :D
Prize draw on Friday January 29, good luck. :)

Don't hesitate to try with each of the manufacturer's social accounts in order to maximize your chances ! ;)
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