
TI-Nspire CAS error: This document format is not supported

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TI-Nspire CAS error: This document format is not supported

Unread postby m3g1dd0 » Yesterday, 20:15


Product: TI-Nspire CAS touchpad
OS version:

Error: This document format is not supported. peexam.tns

I'm studying for an exam. I created a document `peexam.tns` inside my calculator. I created the problems on the document, like Notes application and TI-Basic functions by the TI-Nspire function editor. I was enjoying it.

Once, I went outside the `peexam.tns` document and entered another document. At this point, the calculator OS asked me if I wanted to save the `peexam.tns` file. I had done it before without any problem, so I saved it again. But to my surprise, afterward, suddenly my calculator refused to open the document popping up a dialog containing this error:

Error: This document format is not supported. peexam.tns

I used an official TI-Nspire Computer Link software to copy the problematic document file from my calculator to my computer. I have uploaded the problematic document file here on Google Drive:

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Yu5oZx ... sp=sharing

Can you investigate the file for me? Since I just created the file using the calculator, this error should NOT happen.

I have spent much time creating and improving this document and it's very frustrating to lose my data and effort.

I'm very frustrated. I shouldn't lose data. Since I believe I did nothing wrong. Just using the calculator in a normal workflow :(

I'd appreciate it if you help me. I have heard that TI-Nspire document files are just compressed files. I'd appreciate it if you investigate the file with any debugging tools you might have. I don't want to lose all my data and effort.

Thanks for your help.
Last edited by m3g1dd0 on 24 Jan 2025, 03:48, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: TI-Nspire CAS error: This document format is not support

Unread postby m3g1dd0 » Today, 03:10

The user `Goplat` on the following forum has fixed two corrupted TNS files:

https://www.omnimaga.org/general-calcul ... s-files/14

Anyway, I managed to dump the XML of the documents, remove the offending tag (it was just the cursor location, nothing important), zip them back up, and re-save on my TI-Nspire with OS 2.0.1 (in order to encrypt them - 3.0 doesn't allow unencrypted documents any more). Here you go.
* tns_fixed.zip (105.61 kB - downloaded 405 times.)

https://www.omnimaga.org/general-calcul ... -files/15/

Here you go; the password is same as the original. It might be best to avoid saving documents while editing a spreadsheet cell, to avoid this bug.

Edit: The bug is caused by the combination of two things: a colored row, and saving while editing a cell. Loading a spreadsheet that was saved while editing a cell somehow tries to retrieve the color of a cell in column -1, and if there exists a colored row, that crashes.
* Etude11_12fixed.zip (14.74 kB - downloaded 369 times.)

I wonder if anyone is familiar with the `Goplat` user's workflow to fix the TNS files?


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