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Auteur Author: OldNewTimer
Type : Assembleur
Taille Size: 9.82 Ko KB
Mis en ligne Uploaded: 13/07/2017 - 14:23:30
Mis à jour Updated: 07/04/2019 - 18:43:11
Uploadeur Uploader: critor (Profil)
Téléchargements Downloads: 363
Visibilité Visibility: Archive publique
Shortlink : http://ti-pla.net/a1107693
warning ATTENTION ! Si votre TI-83 Premium CE ou TI-84 Plus CE (Edition Python ou non), a l'OS 5.5 ou plus, vous ne pouvez plus lancer des programmes/jeux ASM directement ; il vous faudra d'abord lancer le jailbreak arTIfiCE. WARNING ! If your TI-83 Premium CE or TI-84 Plus CE (Python Edition or not) has OS 5.5 or later, you will no longer be able to launch ASM programs/games ; you will first need to run the arTIfiCE jailbreak.


Ce jeu est basé sur "donkey.bas", créé par Bill Gates et Neil Konzen, fondateurs de Microsoft pour le système PC DOS de l'ordinateur IBM PC1 en 1981.
Programmé en ICE.
Il faut manoeuvrer la voiture pour ne pas renverser les cerfs déambulant sur la route.
This game is based off of the game "donkey.bas", originally created by Microsoft's founders Bill Gates and Neil Konzen. It was written in the ICE programming language. In this game, you have to manuver your car as to not hit the deer in the road (or shall I say "deer in the headlights":p). This project was made for Cemetech Contest 20: Transit Time in the land category. Remember to practice safe driving and pay attention while you're on the road!

Archive contentsContenu de l'archive

Action(s) SizeTaille FileFichier
250 octets bytes CHANGELOG.txt
2.46 Ko KB README.txt
2.00 Ko KB Source Code/Graphics(HEADG).txt
267 octets bytes Source Code/Graphics/car.png
133 octets bytes Source Code/Graphics/convpng.ini
243 octets bytes Source Code/Graphics/deer.png
3.10 Ko KB Source Code/Graphics/ice_gfx.txt
132 octets bytes Source Code/Graphics/logo.png
1.99 Ko KB Source Code/HEADG.8xp
2.90 Ko KB Source Code/HSOURCE.8xp
3.68 Ko KB Source Code/Main(HSOURCE).txt
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