
Couvercle support TI-83 Premium CE - version fermée

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Auteur Author: Jim Galu
Type : Modèle 3D
Taille Size: 250.94 Ko KB
Mis en ligne Uploaded: 01/08/2018 - 18:45:23
Uploadeur Uploader: critor (Profil)
Téléchargements Downloads: 107
Visibilité Visibility: Archive publique
Shortlink : http://ti-pla.net/a1664890


TI 84 Plus CE and TI 83 Premium CE Calculator Stands and Covers.

# Summary

#####I use my TI 84 CE Calculator a lot at work and at home. While doing CAD I often find that I want the calculator standing up and angled so that I can quickly move my eyes from PC Screen to Calculator screen. So I made this little slide cover and stand combo to fill the need of the slide cover and stand.

#####It just happens to look like a Ninja when the rubber feet peek out of the stand hole. So now you have a Ninja protecting and propping up your Calculator.

- I did not make this to replace the original slide cover - the original looks great and does its job perfectly.

- Disclaimer: Use these cases at your own discretion. These designs are offered for free and as such, TI offers no warranties or representations regarding these designs or their ability to protect your calculator.

# Print Settings

Printer: Maker Select i3 and PowerSpec Ultra
Rafts: No
Supports: Yes
Resolution: 0.20
Infill: 20%

You'll need supports for the bridging on this cover. If you find a creative way to print without supports please share with us.

- If you rotate it on the thin side and try to print without supports it may work, in my experience the design became very weak when I tried this. Also, I like the shiny smooth face on the bottom from the glass bed.

# Post-Printing

Add rubber feet to prevent sliding.

If you print with flexible material let us know if that works to prevent slipping.

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