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Catégorie :Category: Utilitaires Kernels TI-82 Advanced / 84+T
Auteurs Authors: Danielle Weisz, parrotgeek1
Type : Application
Taille Size: 155.13 Ko KB
Mis en ligne Uploaded: 08/01/2019 - 16:23:58
Uploadeur Uploader: critor (Profil)
Téléchargements Downloads: 249
Visibilité Visibility: Archive publique
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Type : Application
Taille Size: 155.13 Ko KB
Mis en ligne Uploaded: 08/01/2019 - 16:23:58
Uploadeur Uploader: critor (Profil)
Téléchargements Downloads: 249
Visibilité Visibility: Archive publique
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Application convertie pour TI-82 Advanced, à installer en suivant le tutoriel dédié.
This application adds a number of features to the TI-83+ series of graphing calculators, including running MirageOS and Ion programs from the homescreen (without either installed), running programs out of archive, editing programs out of archive, unarchiving and archiving programs within programs, startup program and shortcut keys, log( function can take an optional second parameter for bases other than 10, and it chains with Omnicalc and probably any other app using parser, rawkey, or app change hooks. Version 2.02 has all-new code, and is much more stable than previous releases. Updating is strongly urged. Startup and shortcut key functionality has been put back in. Version 2.021 has a couple of minor bugfixes. Updating from 2.02 is still recommended.
This application adds a number of features to the TI-83+ series of graphing calculators, including running MirageOS and Ion programs from the homescreen (without either installed), running programs out of archive, editing programs out of archive, unarchiving and archiving programs within programs, startup program and shortcut keys, log( function can take an optional second parameter for bases other than 10, and it chains with Omnicalc and probably any other app using parser, rawkey, or app change hooks. Version 2.02 has all-new code, and is much more stable than previous releases. Updating is strongly urged. Startup and shortcut key functionality has been put back in. Version 2.021 has a couple of minor bugfixes. Updating from 2.02 is still recommended.
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News articles referring to this archiveNews mentionnant cette archive
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