
STEM educational activities pack

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Catégories :Categories: Physique TI-Nspire, Physique TI-Nspire
Auteurs Authors: Adriweb, Levak, Texas Instruments
Type : Classeur
Taille Size: 1.03 Mo MB
Mis en ligne Uploaded: 02/07/2015 - 07:41:10
Uploadeur Uploader: Adriweb (Profil)
Téléchargements Downloads: 414
Visibilité Visibility: Archive publique
Shortlink : http://ti-pla.net/a284048


Pack of about 30 educational math&science activities, in .tns (TI-Nspire) format.
Target audience: middle- and high-school students.

- AC_DC_Generators
- Areas of Similar Triangles
- battery-resistor-circuit
- Binary Fission and Budding
- Buoyancy
- Charge and Charge Interactions
- color-vision
- Conductivity tests of Metals and Non Metals
- Curve Fitting
- Flame
- Graphical Representation of Cumulative Frequency Distribution
- Gravitational Potential Energy
- How far will it skid
- Mass_and_Spring
- Ohm's Law
- pendulum
- Pie Chart
- Reflected Light Can be Reflected Again
- Remainder_Theorem
- rutherford-scattering
- SoundFrequency
- Sugar_and_Salt_Solutions
- The role of zero
- TI.10.Math.08.03_Trigonometric Ratios of Complementary Angles
- TI.8.Math.03.08_Trapezium
- Trigonometric Ratios of Some Specific Angles
- Voltmeter and Ammeter
- Volume of a combination of solids
- Work Calculations

The files are (C) Texas Instruments, who kindly allowed their publication here.
Most Basic programs and Lua scripts written by Adrien "Adriweb" Bertrand and Jérémy "Levak" Anselme, for TI India, during the summer of 2012.
Help was also provided by several TIers, and Jim Bauwens for some scripts.

The .tns files are made to work on OS 3.2 and later.

Archive contentsContenu de l'archive

Action(s) SizeTaille FileFichier
51.28 Ko KB AC_DC_Generators.tns
13.34 Ko KB Areas of Similar Triangles.tns
19.20 Ko KB battery-resistor-circuit.tns
73.95 Ko KB Binary Fission and Budding.tns
9.83 Ko KB Buoyancy.tns
8.93 Ko KB Charge and Charge Interactions.tns
17.19 Ko KB color-vision.tns
72.60 Ko KB Conductivity tests of Metals and Non Metals.tns
10.68 Ko KB Curve Fitting.tns
65.90 Ko KB Flame.tns
154.89 Ko KB Graphical Representation of Cumulative Frequency Distribution.tns
25.51 Ko KB Gravitational Potential Energy.tns
22.54 Ko KB How far will it skid.tns
5.38 Ko KB Mass_and_Spring.tns
9.11 Ko KB Ohm's Law.tns
7.07 Ko KB pendulum.tns
52.37 Ko KB Pie Chart.tns
21.32 Ko KB Reflected Light Can be Reflected Again.tns
22.33 Ko KB Remainder_Theorem.tns
10.40 Ko KB rutherford-scattering.tns
94.16 Ko KB SoundFrequency.tns
15.16 Ko KB Sugar_and_Salt_Solutions.tns
15.52 Ko KB The role of zero.tns
38.90 Ko KB TI.10.Math.08.03_Trigonometric Ratios of Complementary Angles.tns
17.61 Ko KB TI.8.Math.03.08_Trapezium.tns
29.90 Ko KB Trigonometric Ratios of Some Specific Angles.tns
40.45 Ko KB Voltmeter and Ammeter.tns
114.68 Ko KB Volume of a combination of solids.tns
14.96 Ko KB Work Calculations.tns

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