
PCspire, run Nspire lua programs nativly on your pc

Pour TI-Nspire OS 3.0 ou ultérieur.

Re: PCspire, run Nspire lua programs nativly on your pc

Unread postby jimbauwens » 15 Mar 2012, 20:45

Thanks :)

Adriweb, yup something like that :)
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Re: PCspire, run Nspire lua programs nativly on your pc

Unread postby jimbauwens » 20 Mar 2012, 17:21

People can already check out the code on https://github.com/jimbauwens/PCspire.
However, it's not yet noob proof :P
But it will :)

Currently these things need to be fixed:
- Drawing arcs (draws a full circle now)
- When invalidating specific screen parts, it can skip a couple of pixels. Shouldn't be a problem for most programs, but it needs to be fixed anyway.
- Text offsets need to be improved
- Images need better alpha support

These things need to be added:
- Tool palette (menu system that hardly anybody uses :P)
- Cursor changing. This is more hard because love2d doesn't support this directly

Stuff that I might never implement because they are very hard:
- math.eval (requires CAS engine and TI-Basic interpreter)
- D2Editor (requires rtf interpreter)
- Physics (love2d has physics, but it would be too hard to make it compatible with the chipmunk one on the nspire)

Programs I tested that work fine:
- Updated version of Cubefield
- LogoMagic
- Klondike Lua
- Some programs that use the EEPro widgets (I forgot the names, or maybe I didn't name them yet :P)
- Color Tetris
- BlockBreaker Lua
- Bloxorz
- some other tiny stuff I made :P
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Re: PCspire, run Nspire lua programs nativly on your pc

Unread postby Lionel Debroux » 17 Apr 2012, 18:47

As he indicated at http://www.omnimaga.org/index.php?topic ... #msg243240 , in an unrelated topic, jimbauwens is working on http://bwns.be/jim/WEBspire/JSspire.html , which looks like an early online, JS-based form of PCspire :)

jimbauwens wrote:Still many bugs and no user input, but you should get the idea

IOW, it's not ready for consumption yet, but will become another awesome project :)
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Re: PCspire, run Nspire lua programs nativly on your pc

Unread postby Lionel Debroux » 19 Apr 2012, 12:31

User input (direction keys) now works, so JSspire runs Chockosta's CubeField properly :)
Rappel du lien: http://bwns.be/jim/WEBspire/JSspire.html

Source: http://www.omnimaga.org/index.php?topic ... #msg243528
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Re: PCspire, run Nspire lua programs nativly on your pc

Unread postby jimbauwens » 28 Apr 2012, 13:03

Thanks for keeping this thread updated Lionel :)
Some other games already work in it, but I'm a bit busy with school so it can take a little while before you will see a stable release.
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