Nous allons donc couvrir dans cet article les nouveautés apportées par ces deux firmwares.
Sommaire :
1) Suites :Go to top

- les suites commençait obligatoirement au rang n=1, alors que la plupart des énoncés les font démarrer à n=0
- la définition des suites sur calculatrices se faisait au rang n, alors que la totalité des énoncés définissent les suites récurrentes avec la relation au rang n+1 ou n+2

Par exemple pour la suite récurrente définie par u0=1 et
il fallait d'une part calculer le terme $mathjax$u_1=\frac{u_0}{2\times 1}=\frac{1}{2}$mathjax$
pour le donner à la calculatrice, et d'autre part transformer la relation de récurrence en remplaçant toutes les occurrences de n par des n-1 : $mathjax$u_n=\frac{u_{n-1}}{2 n}$mathjax$

Mais subsistait encore la principale difficulté des définitions aux rangs n+1 et n+2.

Toutefois, cette option décochée par défaut était bien discrète, une case blanche dans le prolongement d'un long champ de saisie également blanc et avec lequel elle se confondait aisément... Si bien que moi-même je ne l'avais même pas remarquée.

On regrettera juste l'apparent oubli de traduction de la légende accompagnant ce nouveau champ en bas d'écran.
Après trois années, la HP Prime est donc passée de la pire application de suites à la meilleure, désormais à égalité avec celle des calculatrices Casio et du système TI-83 Premium CE 5.2 qui vient de sortir !

2) Mémoire :Go to top

- une mémoire de stockage (Flash-NAND) de capacité 256Mo
- une mémoire de travail (SDRAM) de capacité 32Mo
C'est un critère important, particulièrement dans le contexte de documents PDF convertis, puisque cette valeur impacte directement la taille maximale des programmes/applications pouvant être utilisées.
Et comme de plus plusieurs instructions ou manipulations consomment de la mémoire de travail en omettant de la libérer par la suite, cela influe également dans ce contexte sur le nombre de programmes/applications pouvant être lancés à la suite avant de nécessiter un redémarrage de la machine.
Avec le firmware 10077, Hewlett Packard retarde en théorie l'apparition de ces limitations en passant la mémoire de travail disponible pour l'utilisateur à environ 17,5 Mo, soit une augmentation d'à peu près 90% !

3) Mode examen :Go to top
Depuis la rentrée 2015, nous disposions de deux types de calculatrices conformes pour 2018+ :
- celles dont l'activation du mode examen effaçait définitivement les données (TI-82 Advanced, TI-83 Premium CE et HP Prime)
- celles dont les données du candidat étaient sauvegardées, juste masquées pendant le mode examen, et récupérées à la désactivation de ce dernier (TI-Nspire, Casio Graph 25+E, Casio Graph 35+E, Casio Graph 75+E et Casio fx-CP400+E)

Les calculatrices effaçant toutes les données à l'activation du mode examen étaient très embêtantes pour :
- les candidats qui pouvaient très bien avoir des données auxquelles ils tenaient dedans (jeux, travail ou projet en cours...), pas toujours avec une copie de sauvegarde à jour
- les enseignants qui devront bientôt démontrer à leurs élèves comment activer le mode examen, et qui eux aussi perdaient alors l'intégralité de leur travail contenu dans la machine

Par défaut, les données sont masquées à l'activation du mode examen, et seront récupérables à la désactivation de ce dernier.

Notons également le changement d'interface, le démarrage du mode examen ne nécessitant plus un simple appui sur un bouton tactile pouvant très bien être accidentel (et après, la désactivation souffre de nombre de contraintes...), mais un geste tactile !

- Garder : toutes les données préexistantes sont inchangées à l'activation du mode examen
- Effacer : toutes les données préexistantes sont effacées définitivement à l'activation du mode examen
- Masquer : toutes les données préexistantes sont temporairement masquées à l'activation du mode examen, et seront récupérables à la désactivation de ce dernier
- Garder et restaurer : toutes les données préexistantes sont inchangées à l'activation du mode examen, mais à la désactivation de ce dernier la calculatrice sera remise dans son état originel d'avant l'examen (toutes les données crées pendant le mode examen seront donc perdues)
4) Conversion d'unités :Go to top
La HP Prime dispose d'une aide en ligne intégrée accessible à tout moment via la touche
Help, et relative à la sélection en cours.

En effet, nous étions dans le menu Unités, et au lieu d'afficher l'aide relative à la catégorie d'unités sélectionnée, nous obtenions l'aide générale du menu Unités.

Visiblement, aussitôt découvert, aussitôt corrigé !

Avec le nouveau firmware 10637, la touche
Helppermet désormais d'accéder directement à l'aide relative à la catégorie d'unités sélectionnée !

5) Problèmes et corrections :Go to top
Pourquoi donc ne pas avoir mis en avant les nouveautés du firmware 10077 plus tôt, dès avril 2016 ?
Il s'agissait de te protéger, surtout en période d'examens.
Ils n'étaient pas forcément nouveaux puisque l'on trouve de rares signalements similaires antérieurs à sa sortie, mais le firmware 10077 semblait déclencher les problèmes beaucoup plus facilement, une vague mondiale de signalements ayant suivi sa sortie.
Avec une mémoire bien chargée (par exemple avec des documents PDF convertis), nous pouvions avoir :
- Perte de données pendant leur utilisation (sympa pendant un examen...)
- Accès au menu mémoire avec
prenant beaucoup de temps alors qu'instantané auparavant, comme si il lisait intégralement chaque variable une à une pour peut-être afficher une taille totale. - Corruption silencieuse de données mémoire, jusqu'à-ce que cela finisse par altérer de façon visible le fonctionnement normal de la machine.
Par exemple, dans le contexte des tests QCC cet été, j'ai été incapable de mettre deux HP Prime munies du firmware 10077 en mode examen :- la première se bloquait avec l'indicateur disant qu'elle était occupée
- la deuxième passait bien en mode examen, mais refusait d'allumer la diode
Imaginez le drame en 2018 si cela vous arrive... car selon les textes actuels, même si vous disposez d'un modèle conforme, si jamais vous n'arrivez pas à le mettre correctement en mode examen, vous devrez composer sans machine...
Je n'ai pu m'en sortir qu'avec un reformatage complet de la partition C de la mémoire NAND via le menu secret de diagnostics, et donc en effaçant la totalité des données.
Dans certaines situations la calculatrice était capable de se mettre à écrire à l'adresse zéro, et donc à détruire le code d'amorçage en mémoire Flash-NAND, rendant la machine définitivement inutilisable au prochain redémarrage.
Chose qui nous est arrivée - machine heureusement remplacée par Hewlett Packard que nous remercions.
Plusieurs signalements de destructions similaires ont eu lieu sur les forums TI-Planet, HP-Museum et Codewalrus.
On pouvait là encore se demander si ce bug d'auto-destruction était lié à une charge mémoire importante avec la lecture de documents PDF comme les précédents, vu leurs signalements concomitants à la diffusion du firmware 10077.
Mais en pratique non, certaines des victimes de ce bug affirmant n'avoir pas eu de telle utilisation de la machine.
Sorti le 14 avril 2016, le firmware 10077 fut retiré des serveurs Hewlett Packard le 11 juin 2016 soit presque deux mois plus tard, mettant ainsi un terme à la diffusion de cette mise à jour.
D'une part, il est donc très important de mettre à jour avec le nouveau firmware 10637, surtout si vous avez utilisé le firmware 10077.
La mise à jour effectuera en effet un reformatage complet de la mémoire Flash-NAND, détruisant certes toutes les données mais avec elles également toute corruption latente qui pourrait de donner de très mauvaises surprises plus tard, comme l'impossibilité d'activer correctement le mode examen.

Les informations officielles accompagnant cette sortie sont certes peu techniques, et c'est à moyen terme que nous saurons si les problèmes ont bien été corrigés.
Mais elles mentionnent :
- une amélioration de la gestion mémoire lorsques la calculatrice reçoit de gros fichiers, peut-être en rapport avec les premiers points
- la correction du problème de lenteur du menu mémoire avec les calculatrices bien remplies
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HP Prime – Release Notes
Date Released: 2016/08/29
Internal Versions
Firmware Version: 2016 08 29 (10637)
Virtual Calculator Version: 2016 08 29 (10637)
Connectivity Kit: 2016 08 29 (10637)
This maintenance release of the Prime Calculator firmware and associated PC software delivers fixes to outstanding issues. This document is not a complete list of all changes, but highlights specific items. All users of the HP Prime calculator are encouraged to upgrade for the best possible experience.
Please back up your calculator before the update. Any existing data on the device may be wiped during the update process.
New Functionality (Connectivity Kit)
1. Improved USB communication speed and reliability to Prime calculator
New Functionality (Calculator Software)
1. Changed Sequence Symb view to improve operation
2. Improve memory handling when receiving larger files coming from connkit
3. Improve linear solver app to use more digits internally to enhance precision
Resolved issues and changes excluding CAS
1. Resolved issue when deleting the backups using shift-clear in memory manager
2. Resolved issue with overwrite backup with no prompt or warning
3. Resolved issue with 'Airy' CAS functions being in catalog unintentionally
4. Resolved issue with BLIT incorrectly reporting syntax error with 12 arguments
5. Resolved issue with r8151 and earlier notes not being directly loadable
6. Resolved issue with complex settings being linked incorrectly with home/CAS
7. Resolved issue with dot operator .^ in home not working like r8151
8. Resolved issue with INPUT string getting double quotes. str:="test"; INPUT({{str,[2]}})
9. Resolved issue with Ans pointer and simplify/exact/approx key clicks
10. Resolved issue with multiple equation solving in solve app not returning result for short answers
11. Resolved issue with Sequence Symb view and tapping in certain state and place
12. Resolved issue with RECT transparency (and others) not matching r8151 behavior
13. Resolved issue with switching digit grouping - even with pragma in source
14. Resolved issue with GRAD mode and ARG function
15. Resolved issue with AFilesB on hardware calculator alone
16. Resolved issue with 2 argument IFTE in advanced grapher
17. Resolved issue with high CPU use in connkit
18. Resolved issue with graphing when using chained comparison operators to match rest of system
19. Resolved issue with memory browse screen taking a longer time to load
20. Resolved issue with SCALE
21. Resolved issue with (,) for decimal in number and the Solve app
22. Resolved issue with search in help tree being case sensitive
23. Resolved issue with drawing a vector of plotparam in geometry app
24. Resolved issue with showing strange numbers in stat app results instead of NaN
25. Resolved issue where a sketch in stat 2var application would sometimes disappear
26. Resolved issue in Function app where the cached derivate was used on tangent/slope
27. Resolved issue INTERSECT of a single list returned a list of 0
28. Resolved issue with ARG returning error on 0
29. Resolved issue with "shift" function not appearing in command catalog
30. Resolved issue with DelAVars
Resolved issues and changes in CAS
1. Resolved issue with numer/denom("string"/1)
2. Resolved issue with EIGENVV([[2,0,0,0],[2,2,0,0],[1,-1,2,-1],[0,1,0,2]])
3. Resolved issue with a:=(2^(4*x)+4^(2x))/4^(2x+1); limit(a,x=inf);
4. Resolved issue with intersection of hyperbolics
5. Resolved issue with is_element on certain figures
6. Resolved issue with integrate(1/sqrt(-9-x^2))
7. Resolved issue with int(cos(x^2/2),x,1.,-1.)
8. Resolved issue with solve(abs(6x - 3) + abs(6x + 9) - 12=0);
9. Resolved issue with desolve(y'+y=2*exp(-x) and y(0)=3)
10. Resolved issue with substitution returning wrong limits like for limit((x^2-121/25)/(x-11/5),x,11/5)
11. Resolved issue with a:=sqrt(3)*1/30*atan(2*(-(sqrt(3))/2+tan(5*x)^(1/3))); simplify(a);
12. Resolved issue with int((a*sec(x)^2-sin(2*x))*(cot(x)^3+1),x)
13. Resolved issue with int(abs(2x-5),x,0,5);
14. Resolved issue with int(1/sqrt(-9-x^2))
15. Resolved issue with int(cos(x^2/2),x,1.,-1.)
16. Resolved issue with int(1/(1+x^2)) in degree mode
17. Resolved issue with fsolve([X^2-Y-1=0,-X+Y^2-1=0],[X=0,Y=0])
18. Resolved issue with int(ln(tan(x))/(sin(x)*cos(x)))
Previous Versions
Date Released: 2016/04/14
Internal Versions
Firmware Version: 2016 04 14 (10077)
Virtual Calculator Version: 2016 04 14 (10077)
Connectivity Kit: 2016 04 14 (10077)
This release of the Prime Calculator firmware and associated PC software delivers significant new features and fixes outstanding issues. This document is not a complete list of all changes, but highlights specific items. All users of the HP Prime calculator are encouraged to upgrade for the best possible experience.
Please back up your calculator before the update. Any existing data on the device will be wiped during the update process.
New Functionality (Connectivity Kit)
1. Progress bars on each calculator in tree to show transfer status
2. Calculator and content pane now dockable windows. Connkit will remember and restore position/state of all windows
3. Network mapped working directories supported
4. Ability to add plot backgrounds to graphing applications
5. Proctor mode to automatically start exam mode on connection
6. Improved polling and sending of response data back to classroom
7. Invalid .hpprgm files will be attempted to load as plain text if possible. Will attempt to determine text encoding format
8. Turned on IP networking for future usage
New Functionality (Virtual Calculator)
1. Added confirmation on emulator reset menu press
New Functionality (Calculator Software)
1. Ability to manipulate functions in the Function app
a. Change expressions into other forms
b. Reposition and modify existing expressions
c. Cubics now also recognized in sketch and manipulation
2. Use a picture for graph background
a. Choose from a built in image library, or add your own
b. Fit image to screen, or position at a specific Cartesian location
3. Sketch a function directly in the Statistics 2Var App
4. Recovered ~8MB of RAM for user use
5. Improved interaction between CAS functions and HPPPL program. CAS functions can now access directly HPPPL local variables as expected
6. Sequence app now allows N..N+1..N+2 form
7. Gradian support for angle mode
8. EQ function for exact equality test of list. EQ({1,2,3},{1,2,3}) -> 1
9. =CHOOSE(...) now makes a drop down selector in the spreadsheet
10. LNAME function to extract variable names from home functions
11. Added UNION function
12. Support for jpg read/write. AFiles("file.jpg",[1-100]):=G0
13. Direct access to images stored as files. G1:=AFiles("myfile.jpg")
14. Plot scatterplot/ode wizard in geometry app
15. Added alpha blend to BLIT commands
16. Added IFERR feature to enable access of the error value from the Ans variable on error
17. Added support for alpha channel in PIXON commands
18. Enhances PLOT-TABLE of Function, Polar, Parametric, and Sequence apps to bring up new G1,...,G9,TableSelection chooser for choosing what to copy where
19. Option for split stems in stem leaf plot
20. New backup manager. You can now create, archive and restore backups on your calculator directly from memory manager
21. VERSION() can take an argument to return that part of version info
22. TEXTOUT functions now return pixel coordinate of the end of the printed text.
Resolved issues and changes excluding CAS
1. Resolved issue with excess power drain while in exam mode and calculator was "off"
2. Resolved issue with use of complex arguments for some drawing commands
3. Resolved issue with certain RPN programs causing issues when called from stack
4. Resolved issue where quadratic explorer SOLVE function will now return complex results
5. Resolved issue with "Cannot find solution" with negative seed values
7. Resolved issue in printing of complex with negative second component
8. Resolved issue with color chooser in note screen
9. Resolved issue with AVars accessing files from another application sometimes causing issues
10. Resolved issue with "CAS." being appended in spreadsheet
11. Resolved issue with declaring a LOCAL in home screen
12. Resolved issue with calling ΠLIST with vector
13. Resolved issues with SWAPROW/SWAPCOL
14. Resolved issue with REPLACE on lists behaving inconsistently
15. Resolved issue with INPUT choose lists and >9 items
16. Resolved issues with SORT
17. Resolved issue with summation rejecting non-integer values. Allows smooth plotting
18. Resolved issue with small plot previews in home/CAS not using current app plot window
19. Resolved issue with GETKEY working after third screen tap
20. Resolved issue with lists and comparison operators
21. Resolved issue with calling function such as DATEADD when named spreadsheet cell exists as "DATE"
22. Resolved issue with DIFFERENCE and calling multiple lists as arguments
23. Resolved issue with user app vars not showing in VARS menu
24. Resolved issue with long hold on grid chooser not selecting item
25. Resolved issue with exact() and approx() via [a b/c] key not setting Ans in CAS
26. Resolved issue with fraction^power not displaying (fraction)^power for clarity
27. Resolved issue with complex numbers and units needing ( ) for clarity
28. Improved ITERATE command to allow up to 2^16 iterations
29. Resolved issue where two parameter NORMALCDF behaving different in home/CAS. Now two params will give you the area for a standard normal between L/R ends
30. Resolved issue where copying something like 1.5e-25/2 into command line in CAS from history did not do division template properly
31. Resolved issue where stat 1var calculation with frequency when frequency sum was identical to 1 was throwing an error
32. Resolved issue so that LOG(81,3) returns 4 and not 3.9999...
33. Resolved issue with REPLACE expanding with strings, but not vectors
34. Resolved issue with integration in programs not able to use local variables
35. Resolved issue with Σ failing with local variables
36. Pressing Esc from List/Matrix did not return to List/Matrix screen like Program/Notes behavior
37. Resolved issue where [sto] was allowed as first character in home var name
38. Resolved issue that prevented assigning a user variable a complex form polar in a program source
39. Resolved issue where Linear Explorer SolveForSlope function did not have the order of arguments working as expected
40. Resolved issue with Resid() and PredY() throwing an error if Med-Med was fit type
41. Resolved issue where shift-copy would not allow copying of system help text
42. Resolved issue where change of display format did not invalidate 2D expression cache resulting in stale number display
43. Resolved issue where F1(X)=STUDENT(N,X) reports Signed Area as NaN. Fisher, and Chi will also now work as expected
44. Resolved issue where program editor could misbehave and cause memory issues
45. Resolved issue with memory leak when application had embedded PNG images
46. Renamed "Rect" variable in Triangle Solver app to "TriType"
47. Removed error check on proportion z interval to allow a negative confidence interval. - can be negative vs error
48. Resolved issues with WAIT/GETKEY not responding as expected after 3rd screen touch.
49. Renamed the CalcFV, CalcPV ... finance app functions to be TvmFV, TvmPV... for future compatability reasons.
Resolved issues and changes in CAS
1. Improved results for tan(pi/24)
2. Resolved issue with display of int(sqrt(1/x-1),x,1/2,1) (sqrt(1/4) getting converted to sqrt(1)/4 on copy
3. Improved printing of (e^2)^3
4. Fix for desolve([y'=[[1,2],[2,1]]*y+[x,x+1],y(0)=[1,2]])
5. Fix for fsolve(x^3-3*x^2+4,x,-3..5)
6. Support for gradians.
7. Fix for solve(3 NTHROOT (2^(4*x-1))>=(2^(x-5))/(4 NTHROOT (16^x)))
8. Fix for polynomial_regression(8)
9. Resolved issue with "break" being parsed differently than "BREAK"
10. Improved student_cdf for dof>=100
11. Fix for limit((3*e^(2x)-12)/(e^(2x)-7*e^x+10),x,ln(2))
12. Fix for forms like (sqrt(sqrt())
13. Behavior change so that fsolve without guess now tries 0 if default bisection returns [ ]
14. Fix for laplace([0,0],x,x) and a:=[[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]];[y0]:=desolve(y'=a*y and y(0)=[1,0,0]);
15. Fix for solve(x^3=1.2e-15,x)
16. Fix for ∂(∂(x^2*y^3,y),x)
17. Enabled mod in parser as a synonym for irem (prefixed, MOD is infixed)
18. Fix parsing of "return"
19. Fix for int(abs(sin(2*pi*x)),x=0..1)
20. Fix for sum(sum(1/(j+k),k,1,m),j,1,n))
21. Make circle() work like circumcircle() when called with 3 args
22. Modified implicitplot to returns a list instead of a sequence for hyperbola
23. Fixes for ker and finite field factorization
24. Fix for cfactor(2*x^3+x^2+x+1/2)
25. Fix for solve((3*ABS(6-x)+2*ABS(3/2*x-5))=8,x)
26. Fix for csolve(-256*p^5-128*p^4-16*p^3+2000*p^2+900*p+3233=0,p)
27. Implicit multiplication warnings replaced by errors
28. Fix in DELROW/DELCOL to eval second parameter
29. Fix for int(1/(4+sin(3*x)),x,0,2)
30. Add warning for (1+2)(3+4)
31. Extend areas to support ellipse. e.g. area(ellipse(-1,1,2))
32. Fix so simplify(sin(x-sin(x))') leaves unchanged
33. Fix SVL for sym. matrices
34. Fix for sum(legendre(j),j,0,3)
35. Fixes for nested sqrt like normal(sqrt((1)-((5)*(sqrt(2)))))
36. Fixes sum bug (-1)^(n+1) / n^2 and sum((-1)^(n+1)/n^4,n,1,inf)
37. Modified geometric_cdf to be inclusive of lower bound
38. Fix for assume(z>1000); sum(3^n*z^(-n),n,0,inf)
39. Added Dirac support in ztrans
Date Released: 2016/08/29
Internal Versions
Firmware Version: 2016 08 29 (10637)
Virtual Calculator Version: 2016 08 29 (10637)
Connectivity Kit: 2016 08 29 (10637)
This maintenance release of the Prime Calculator firmware and associated PC software delivers fixes to outstanding issues. This document is not a complete list of all changes, but highlights specific items. All users of the HP Prime calculator are encouraged to upgrade for the best possible experience.
Please back up your calculator before the update. Any existing data on the device may be wiped during the update process.
New Functionality (Connectivity Kit)
1. Improved USB communication speed and reliability to Prime calculator
New Functionality (Calculator Software)
1. Changed Sequence Symb view to improve operation
2. Improve memory handling when receiving larger files coming from connkit
3. Improve linear solver app to use more digits internally to enhance precision
Resolved issues and changes excluding CAS
1. Resolved issue when deleting the backups using shift-clear in memory manager
2. Resolved issue with overwrite backup with no prompt or warning
3. Resolved issue with 'Airy' CAS functions being in catalog unintentionally
4. Resolved issue with BLIT incorrectly reporting syntax error with 12 arguments
5. Resolved issue with r8151 and earlier notes not being directly loadable
6. Resolved issue with complex settings being linked incorrectly with home/CAS
7. Resolved issue with dot operator .^ in home not working like r8151
8. Resolved issue with INPUT string getting double quotes. str:="test"; INPUT({{str,[2]}})
9. Resolved issue with Ans pointer and simplify/exact/approx key clicks
10. Resolved issue with multiple equation solving in solve app not returning result for short answers
11. Resolved issue with Sequence Symb view and tapping in certain state and place
12. Resolved issue with RECT transparency (and others) not matching r8151 behavior
13. Resolved issue with switching digit grouping - even with pragma in source
14. Resolved issue with GRAD mode and ARG function
15. Resolved issue with AFilesB on hardware calculator alone
16. Resolved issue with 2 argument IFTE in advanced grapher
17. Resolved issue with high CPU use in connkit
18. Resolved issue with graphing when using chained comparison operators to match rest of system
19. Resolved issue with memory browse screen taking a longer time to load
20. Resolved issue with SCALE
21. Resolved issue with (,) for decimal in number and the Solve app
22. Resolved issue with search in help tree being case sensitive
23. Resolved issue with drawing a vector of plotparam in geometry app
24. Resolved issue with showing strange numbers in stat app results instead of NaN
25. Resolved issue where a sketch in stat 2var application would sometimes disappear
26. Resolved issue in Function app where the cached derivate was used on tangent/slope
27. Resolved issue INTERSECT of a single list returned a list of 0
28. Resolved issue with ARG returning error on 0
29. Resolved issue with "shift" function not appearing in command catalog
30. Resolved issue with DelAVars
Resolved issues and changes in CAS
1. Resolved issue with numer/denom("string"/1)
2. Resolved issue with EIGENVV([[2,0,0,0],[2,2,0,0],[1,-1,2,-1],[0,1,0,2]])
3. Resolved issue with a:=(2^(4*x)+4^(2x))/4^(2x+1); limit(a,x=inf);
4. Resolved issue with intersection of hyperbolics
5. Resolved issue with is_element on certain figures
6. Resolved issue with integrate(1/sqrt(-9-x^2))
7. Resolved issue with int(cos(x^2/2),x,1.,-1.)
8. Resolved issue with solve(abs(6x - 3) + abs(6x + 9) - 12=0);
9. Resolved issue with desolve(y'+y=2*exp(-x) and y(0)=3)
10. Resolved issue with substitution returning wrong limits like for limit((x^2-121/25)/(x-11/5),x,11/5)
11. Resolved issue with a:=sqrt(3)*1/30*atan(2*(-(sqrt(3))/2+tan(5*x)^(1/3))); simplify(a);
12. Resolved issue with int((a*sec(x)^2-sin(2*x))*(cot(x)^3+1),x)
13. Resolved issue with int(abs(2x-5),x,0,5);
14. Resolved issue with int(1/sqrt(-9-x^2))
15. Resolved issue with int(cos(x^2/2),x,1.,-1.)
16. Resolved issue with int(1/(1+x^2)) in degree mode
17. Resolved issue with fsolve([X^2-Y-1=0,-X+Y^2-1=0],[X=0,Y=0])
18. Resolved issue with int(ln(tan(x))/(sin(x)*cos(x)))
Previous Versions
Date Released: 2016/04/14
Internal Versions
Firmware Version: 2016 04 14 (10077)
Virtual Calculator Version: 2016 04 14 (10077)
Connectivity Kit: 2016 04 14 (10077)
This release of the Prime Calculator firmware and associated PC software delivers significant new features and fixes outstanding issues. This document is not a complete list of all changes, but highlights specific items. All users of the HP Prime calculator are encouraged to upgrade for the best possible experience.
Please back up your calculator before the update. Any existing data on the device will be wiped during the update process.
New Functionality (Connectivity Kit)
1. Progress bars on each calculator in tree to show transfer status
2. Calculator and content pane now dockable windows. Connkit will remember and restore position/state of all windows
3. Network mapped working directories supported
4. Ability to add plot backgrounds to graphing applications
5. Proctor mode to automatically start exam mode on connection
6. Improved polling and sending of response data back to classroom
7. Invalid .hpprgm files will be attempted to load as plain text if possible. Will attempt to determine text encoding format
8. Turned on IP networking for future usage
New Functionality (Virtual Calculator)
1. Added confirmation on emulator reset menu press
New Functionality (Calculator Software)
1. Ability to manipulate functions in the Function app
a. Change expressions into other forms
b. Reposition and modify existing expressions
c. Cubics now also recognized in sketch and manipulation
2. Use a picture for graph background
a. Choose from a built in image library, or add your own
b. Fit image to screen, or position at a specific Cartesian location
3. Sketch a function directly in the Statistics 2Var App
4. Recovered ~8MB of RAM for user use
5. Improved interaction between CAS functions and HPPPL program. CAS functions can now access directly HPPPL local variables as expected
6. Sequence app now allows N..N+1..N+2 form
7. Gradian support for angle mode
8. EQ function for exact equality test of list. EQ({1,2,3},{1,2,3}) -> 1
9. =CHOOSE(...) now makes a drop down selector in the spreadsheet
10. LNAME function to extract variable names from home functions
11. Added UNION function
12. Support for jpg read/write. AFiles("file.jpg",[1-100]):=G0
13. Direct access to images stored as files. G1:=AFiles("myfile.jpg")
14. Plot scatterplot/ode wizard in geometry app
15. Added alpha blend to BLIT commands
16. Added IFERR feature to enable access of the error value from the Ans variable on error
17. Added support for alpha channel in PIXON commands
18. Enhances PLOT-TABLE of Function, Polar, Parametric, and Sequence apps to bring up new G1,...,G9,TableSelection chooser for choosing what to copy where
19. Option for split stems in stem leaf plot
20. New backup manager. You can now create, archive and restore backups on your calculator directly from memory manager
21. VERSION() can take an argument to return that part of version info
22. TEXTOUT functions now return pixel coordinate of the end of the printed text.
Resolved issues and changes excluding CAS
1. Resolved issue with excess power drain while in exam mode and calculator was "off"
2. Resolved issue with use of complex arguments for some drawing commands
3. Resolved issue with certain RPN programs causing issues when called from stack
4. Resolved issue where quadratic explorer SOLVE function will now return complex results
5. Resolved issue with "Cannot find solution" with negative seed values
7. Resolved issue in printing of complex with negative second component
8. Resolved issue with color chooser in note screen
9. Resolved issue with AVars accessing files from another application sometimes causing issues
10. Resolved issue with "CAS." being appended in spreadsheet
11. Resolved issue with declaring a LOCAL in home screen
12. Resolved issue with calling ΠLIST with vector
13. Resolved issues with SWAPROW/SWAPCOL
14. Resolved issue with REPLACE on lists behaving inconsistently
15. Resolved issue with INPUT choose lists and >9 items
16. Resolved issues with SORT
17. Resolved issue with summation rejecting non-integer values. Allows smooth plotting
18. Resolved issue with small plot previews in home/CAS not using current app plot window
19. Resolved issue with GETKEY working after third screen tap
20. Resolved issue with lists and comparison operators
21. Resolved issue with calling function such as DATEADD when named spreadsheet cell exists as "DATE"
22. Resolved issue with DIFFERENCE and calling multiple lists as arguments
23. Resolved issue with user app vars not showing in VARS menu
24. Resolved issue with long hold on grid chooser not selecting item
25. Resolved issue with exact() and approx() via [a b/c] key not setting Ans in CAS
26. Resolved issue with fraction^power not displaying (fraction)^power for clarity
27. Resolved issue with complex numbers and units needing ( ) for clarity
28. Improved ITERATE command to allow up to 2^16 iterations
29. Resolved issue where two parameter NORMALCDF behaving different in home/CAS. Now two params will give you the area for a standard normal between L/R ends
30. Resolved issue where copying something like 1.5e-25/2 into command line in CAS from history did not do division template properly
31. Resolved issue where stat 1var calculation with frequency when frequency sum was identical to 1 was throwing an error
32. Resolved issue so that LOG(81,3) returns 4 and not 3.9999...
33. Resolved issue with REPLACE expanding with strings, but not vectors
34. Resolved issue with integration in programs not able to use local variables
35. Resolved issue with Σ failing with local variables
36. Pressing Esc from List/Matrix did not return to List/Matrix screen like Program/Notes behavior
37. Resolved issue where [sto] was allowed as first character in home var name
38. Resolved issue that prevented assigning a user variable a complex form polar in a program source
39. Resolved issue where Linear Explorer SolveForSlope function did not have the order of arguments working as expected
40. Resolved issue with Resid() and PredY() throwing an error if Med-Med was fit type
41. Resolved issue where shift-copy would not allow copying of system help text
42. Resolved issue where change of display format did not invalidate 2D expression cache resulting in stale number display
43. Resolved issue where F1(X)=STUDENT(N,X) reports Signed Area as NaN. Fisher, and Chi will also now work as expected
44. Resolved issue where program editor could misbehave and cause memory issues
45. Resolved issue with memory leak when application had embedded PNG images
46. Renamed "Rect" variable in Triangle Solver app to "TriType"
47. Removed error check on proportion z interval to allow a negative confidence interval. - can be negative vs error
48. Resolved issues with WAIT/GETKEY not responding as expected after 3rd screen touch.
49. Renamed the CalcFV, CalcPV ... finance app functions to be TvmFV, TvmPV... for future compatability reasons.
Resolved issues and changes in CAS
1. Improved results for tan(pi/24)
2. Resolved issue with display of int(sqrt(1/x-1),x,1/2,1) (sqrt(1/4) getting converted to sqrt(1)/4 on copy
3. Improved printing of (e^2)^3
4. Fix for desolve([y'=[[1,2],[2,1]]*y+[x,x+1],y(0)=[1,2]])
5. Fix for fsolve(x^3-3*x^2+4,x,-3..5)
6. Support for gradians.
7. Fix for solve(3 NTHROOT (2^(4*x-1))>=(2^(x-5))/(4 NTHROOT (16^x)))
8. Fix for polynomial_regression(8)
9. Resolved issue with "break" being parsed differently than "BREAK"
10. Improved student_cdf for dof>=100
11. Fix for limit((3*e^(2x)-12)/(e^(2x)-7*e^x+10),x,ln(2))
12. Fix for forms like (sqrt(sqrt())
13. Behavior change so that fsolve without guess now tries 0 if default bisection returns [ ]
14. Fix for laplace([0,0],x,x) and a:=[[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]];[y0]:=desolve(y'=a*y and y(0)=[1,0,0]);
15. Fix for solve(x^3=1.2e-15,x)
16. Fix for ∂(∂(x^2*y^3,y),x)
17. Enabled mod in parser as a synonym for irem (prefixed, MOD is infixed)
18. Fix parsing of "return"
19. Fix for int(abs(sin(2*pi*x)),x=0..1)
20. Fix for sum(sum(1/(j+k),k,1,m),j,1,n))
21. Make circle() work like circumcircle() when called with 3 args
22. Modified implicitplot to returns a list instead of a sequence for hyperbola
23. Fixes for ker and finite field factorization
24. Fix for cfactor(2*x^3+x^2+x+1/2)
25. Fix for solve((3*ABS(6-x)+2*ABS(3/2*x-5))=8,x)
26. Fix for csolve(-256*p^5-128*p^4-16*p^3+2000*p^2+900*p+3233=0,p)
27. Implicit multiplication warnings replaced by errors
28. Fix in DELROW/DELCOL to eval second parameter
29. Fix for int(1/(4+sin(3*x)),x,0,2)
30. Add warning for (1+2)(3+4)
31. Extend areas to support ellipse. e.g. area(ellipse(-1,1,2))
32. Fix so simplify(sin(x-sin(x))') leaves unchanged
33. Fix SVL for sym. matrices
34. Fix for sum(legendre(j),j,0,3)
35. Fixes for nested sqrt like normal(sqrt((1)-((5)*(sqrt(2)))))
36. Fixes sum bug (-1)^(n+1) / n^2 and sum((-1)^(n+1)/n^4,n,1,inf)
37. Modified geometric_cdf to be inclusive of lower bound
38. Fix for assume(z>1000); sum(3^n*z^(-n),n,0,inf)
39. Added Dirac support in ztrans
Concernant le bug d'auto-destruction des machines il n'y a rien, mais officieusement, un des développeurs a dit que du code avait été spécifiquement rajouté pour les rendre désormais impossibles.

Nous sommes donc très heureux que les problèmes du firmware 10077 aient maintenant été corrigés par le firmware 10637, à temps pour la rentrée 2016, et permettent désormais à tous de profiter sans danger des grandes avancées du 10077 !

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