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Auteur Author: Iambian
Type : Assembleur nécessitant un kernel
Taille Size: 85.46 Ko KB
Mis en ligne Uploaded: 02/09/2017 - 15:34:10
Uploadeur Uploader: critor (Profil)
Téléchargements Downloads: 308
Visibilité Visibility: Archive publique
Shortlink : http://ti-pla.net/a1134092


Portage du jeu de casse-tête de Scognito. Fais sauter ta grenouille sur toutes les feuilles de nénuphar. Mais attention, tu ne peux pas passer deux fois sur la même feuille car elle coulera à ton départ.
Inclut les 100 niveaux d'origine, et 30 niveaux plus évolués.
A port of a port of a puzzle game made by Scognito. Have your frog jump on all the green lily pads at least once to complete each level. Comes with the original 100 levels and 30 extra levels using an extended rule set.

Archive contentsContenu de l'archive

Action(s) SizeTaille FileFichier
2.27 Ko KB SCOGGERC/LIBS/fileioc.8xv
10.93 Ko KB SCOGGERC/LIBS/graphx.8xv
184 octets bytes SCOGGERC/LIBS/keypadc.8xv
1,000 octets bytes SCOGGERC/LIBS/libload.8xv
410 octets bytes SCOGGERC/LIBS/ReadME.txt
406 octets bytes SCOGGERC/source/iconc.png
807 octets bytes SCOGGERC/source/makefile
1.95 Ko KB SCOGGERC/source/readme.md
26.87 Ko KB SCOGGERC/source/src/base_set.c
139 octets bytes SCOGGERC/source/src/base_set.h
13.50 Ko KB SCOGGERC/source/src/extend_set.c
146 octets bytes SCOGGERC/source/src/extend_set.h
7.62 Ko KB SCOGGERC/source/src/font.c
123 octets bytes SCOGGERC/source/src/font.h
144 octets bytes SCOGGERC/source/src/gfx/convpng.ini
1.74 Ko KB SCOGGERC/source/src/gfx/game/bor_do.png
1.11 Ko KB SCOGGERC/source/src/gfx/game/bor_le.png
1.46 Ko KB SCOGGERC/source/src/gfx/game/bor_ri.png
1.79 Ko KB SCOGGERC/source/src/gfx/game/bor_up.png
2.15 Ko KB SCOGGERC/source/src/gfx/game/completed.png
207 octets bytes SCOGGERC/source/src/gfx/game/cursor.png
322 octets bytes SCOGGERC/source/src/gfx/game/fmo_do.png
257 octets bytes SCOGGERC/source/src/gfx/game/fmo_le.png
261 octets bytes SCOGGERC/source/src/gfx/game/fmo_ri.png
317 octets bytes SCOGGERC/source/src/gfx/game/fmo_up.png
262 octets bytes SCOGGERC/source/src/gfx/game/fst_do.png
229 octets bytes SCOGGERC/source/src/gfx/game/fst_le.png
223 octets bytes SCOGGERC/source/src/gfx/game/fst_ri.png
266 octets bytes SCOGGERC/source/src/gfx/game/fst_up.png
469 octets bytes SCOGGERC/source/src/gfx/game/lily_1.png
430 octets bytes SCOGGERC/source/src/gfx/game/lily_2.png
252 octets bytes SCOGGERC/source/src/gfx/game/rock.png
216 octets bytes SCOGGERC/source/src/gfx/game/splash.png
187 octets bytes SCOGGERC/source/src/gfx/game/water.png
2.45 Ko KB SCOGGERC/source/src/gfx/title/allclear.png
9.75 Ko KB SCOGGERC/source/src/gfx/title/title.png
12.70 Ko KB SCOGGERC/source/src/main.c
13.57 Ko KB SCOGGERC/source/tools/editor/Experimental.sls
13.57 Ko KB SCOGGERC/source/tools/editor/img/dump.txt
123 octets bytes SCOGGERC/source/tools/editor/img/empty.PNG
123 octets bytes SCOGGERC/source/tools/editor/img/pad.PNG
123 octets bytes SCOGGERC/source/tools/editor/img/pad2.PNG
123 octets bytes SCOGGERC/source/tools/editor/img/rock.PNG
164 octets bytes SCOGGERC/source/tools/editor/img/s_down.PNG
157 octets bytes SCOGGERC/source/tools/editor/img/s_left.PNG
163 octets bytes SCOGGERC/source/tools/editor/img/s_right.PNG
168 octets bytes SCOGGERC/source/tools/editor/img/s_up.PNG
13.57 Ko KB SCOGGERC/source/tools/editor/LevelSet.sls
13.57 Ko KB SCOGGERC/source/tools/editor/LevelSetModified.sls
6.79 Ko KB SCOGGERC/source/tools/editor/LevelSetPlus.sls
24.29 Ko KB SCOGGERC/source/tools/editor/scedit.ahk
3.06 Ko KB SCOGGERC/source/tools/fontconv.py
2.48 Ko KB SCOGGERC/source/tools/levelconv.py
1.53 Ko KB SCOGGERC/source/tools/pf_tempestra_seven_condensed_modified.png
57 octets bytes SCOGGERC/source/tools/runfc.bat
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