Mario Kart CE
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Catégorie :Category: Jeux TI-83 Premium CE / 84+CE / 82APy
Auteur Author: tr1p1ea
Type : Assembleur
Taille Size: 19.24 Ko KB
Mis en ligne Uploaded: 12/04/2021 - 11:38:34
Mis à jour Updated: 09/02/2022 - 07:51:09
Uploadeur Uploader: critor (Profil)
Téléchargements Downloads: 28504
Visibilité Visibility: Archive publique
Shortlink :
Type : Assembleur
Taille Size: 19.24 Ko KB
Mis en ligne Uploaded: 12/04/2021 - 11:38:34
Mis à jour Updated: 09/02/2022 - 07:51:09
Uploadeur Uploader: critor (Profil)
Téléchargements Downloads: 28504
Visibilité Visibility: Archive publique
Shortlink :

"pre pre-alpha demo"
This is an extremely early and potentially buggy test version of
Mario Kart CE (or is it Oiram Trak CE?).
Simply copy MKARTCE.8XP to your calculator with your favourite
flavour of linking software and run it with your prefered method
for running native ASM programs (homescreen, Asm(, shell etc).
2nd - Accelerate
Down - Stop
Left - Turn left
Right - Turn right
alpha - Shoot green shell (unlimited but it's the only item)
enter - Change character (8 different chars)
The demo features you vs 5 AI racers. The AI only drive around
the track, they don't pick up or use any items. You have access
to unlimited green shells as a test item - note that they break
when they hit another racer, a wall or object (they dont yet
bounce around).
There is only 1 track and despite there being a lap counter up
the top left, there is no end to the race (it will probably
overflow if you're really keen).
As mentioned this is pre pre-alpha and should be considered
unstable and potentially dangerous. Whilst it doesn't mess with
anything too serious, it does unlock SHA256 mem and rearrange
a lot of memory when running.
The graphics are blocky in places because this runs in half-res
(simulated) and is a calculator game ... so sacrifices needed
to be made. It should run at a playable frame rate however.
Collisions, item use, lap tracking and lots of other things are
only preliminary at this stage, so there are bound to be lots
of glitches and stuff. I'd appreciate if you find anything like
this that you let me know.
It is TEST ONLY. Feel free to check it out but please do not
distribute this in the wild as it could have serious bugs that
I am not aware of.
Post thoughts, criticism and findings in the thread on Cemetech.
This is an extremely early and potentially buggy test version of
Mario Kart CE (or is it Oiram Trak CE?).
Simply copy MKARTCE.8XP to your calculator with your favourite
flavour of linking software and run it with your prefered method
for running native ASM programs (homescreen, Asm(, shell etc).
2nd - Accelerate
Down - Stop
Left - Turn left
Right - Turn right
alpha - Shoot green shell (unlimited but it's the only item)
enter - Change character (8 different chars)
The demo features you vs 5 AI racers. The AI only drive around
the track, they don't pick up or use any items. You have access
to unlimited green shells as a test item - note that they break
when they hit another racer, a wall or object (they dont yet
bounce around).
There is only 1 track and despite there being a lap counter up
the top left, there is no end to the race (it will probably
overflow if you're really keen).
As mentioned this is pre pre-alpha and should be considered
unstable and potentially dangerous. Whilst it doesn't mess with
anything too serious, it does unlock SHA256 mem and rearrange
a lot of memory when running.
The graphics are blocky in places because this runs in half-res
(simulated) and is a calculator game ... so sacrifices needed
to be made. It should run at a playable frame rate however.
Collisions, item use, lap tracking and lots of other things are
only preliminary at this stage, so there are bound to be lots
of glitches and stuff. I'd appreciate if you find anything like
this that you let me know.
It is TEST ONLY. Feel free to check it out but please do not
distribute this in the wild as it could have serious bugs that
I am not aware of.
Post thoughts, criticism and findings in the thread on Cemetech.
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