
material selection bungee

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Catégorie :Category: nCreator TI-Nspire
Auteur Author: oONOLTZOo
Type : Classeur 3.0.1
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Shortlink : http://ti-pla.net/a4245255


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Compatible OS 3.0 et ultérieurs.

(a) In selecting the materialsfor a bungee cord, what factors should you consider. (b) What material do yousuggest? Once you have selected the materials, what mechanical (or other)factors should you consider.                                            (a) Factors to Consider WhenSelecting Materials for a Bungee Cord Selecting the appropriatematerial for a bungee cord is crucial for safety and performance. Severalfactors must be considered: Elasticity and Elastic Limit : The material needs to exhibit high elasticity, allowing it to stretch significantly and return to its original length without permanent deformation. It should have a high elastic limit to endure repeated cycles of stretching without reaching a point where it permanently deforms. Tensile Strength : The material must have a high tensile strength to withstand the large forces generated during the cord's use, especially when supporting a persons weight during a jump. Energy Absorption : The material should be capable of absorbing and dissipating a significant amount of energy to reduce the force exerted on both the jumper and the anchor point. This helps ensure a smoother and safer deceleration. Fatigue Resistance : Bungee cords undergo numerous stretching cycles, so the material needs to resist fatigue, meaning it should retain its properties after repeated use without weakening or breaking. Durability and Environmental Resistance : The material should resist environmental factors like UV radiation, temperature changes, and moisture (rain, humidity), as bungee cords are often used outdoors. Resistance to abrasion and wear is important to prevent fraying or weakening over time. Safety and Failure Mechanism : The material should exhibit a gradual failure mode , meaning that if the cord is overstressed, it should fail slowly rather than snapping suddenly, which could be dangerous for the jumper. Flexibility : The material should be flexible enough to enable the cord to coil and uncoil smoothly, providing good shock absorption while maintaining control during the stretching phase. Cost and Availability : The material should be relatively cost-effective and available in large quantities for commercial manufacturing. (b) Suggested Material: NaturalRubber Natural rubber (or latex rubber)is a common and excellent choice for bungee cords due to its outstandingelasticity and resilience. Lets discuss why its suitable based on the factorsconsidered above: Elasticity : Natural rubber can stretch several times its original length and return to its initial shape, making it ideal for bungee cords where high stretchability is critical. Tensile Strength : Natural rubber has high tensile strength, allowing it to support significant loads without breaking. Energy Absorption : Rubber is excellent at absorbing energy and dissipating it, which results in smoother deceleration and reduces the shock on the jumper. Fatigue Resistance : Natural rubber can endure numerous cycles of stretching and relaxing, making it ideal for repeated bungee jumps without significant degradation in performance. Durability and Environmental Resistance : While natural rubber is durable, it can be susceptible to UV degradation and ozone attack over time, so protective coatings or additives are often used to improve its outdoor performance. Rubber is resistant to moisture, making it suitable for use in various weather conditions. Safety : Natural rubber tends to fail gradually under stress, giving visible signs (like fraying or thinning) before failure, which can be monitored for safety. Mechanical (and Other) Factorsto Consider After Selecting Natural Rubber Once the material (naturalrubber) is chosen, additional mechanical and operational factors must beconsidered during manufacturing and use: Load-Bearing Capacity : The cords design needs to account for the maximum load it will experience. This includes the weight of the jumper plus additional forces due to acceleration (gravitational pull and bounce). Calculating the spring constant (k) is critical for determining how much force the cord will exert on the jumper as it stretches. Cord Length and Stretch : The length of the bungee cord must be carefully calculated to ensure the jumper doesnt hit the ground. This involves considering the materials elongation limits and the stretch ratio (how far it stretches under load). Elastic Modulus : The cord should have a specific Youngs modulus that provides enough elasticity for smooth stretch


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