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Catégorie :Category: nCreator TI-Nspire
Auteur Author: Meronjeb
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TRENDS: Delta O increases as you go down the Periodic table. Therefore many more Lo spin confirmations in the 2nd row. Pi c is also smaller for 2nd and 3rd rows. Almost all tetrahedral mlxs will have high spin in the 1st row as Delta T is smaller than Delta O. d10 is almost always tetrahedral. Second and third-row transition metals often have similar radii despite being in different periods. This is due to: Strong nuclear attraction of 6s electrons in third-row transition metals as all of the lanthanides were added before this section. There are a lot more protons and positive charge, which pulls the valence electrons much stronger into the shell, decreasing the radii to match second row. Dec. in radii in middle of TS metals?: Increasing nuclear charge leads to decreasing atomic nucleus. But, as we get further to the right, each additional 3d electron that's added is shielding the 4s electrons, and the 4s electrons are responsible for size. The 4s electrons see less and less of the new additions protons. Beyond Nickel, nuclei become larger because shielding starts to win. Protons win first (brings outer electrons in). Than in the middle of the transition states they compete. In the third last section shielding wins (electrons block much of the new positive charge, allowing the radii to increase) Cu and Cr break Aufbau principle: in order to reduce the number of Àc's and increase the number of Àe's (make the lowest energy electron cofniguration) What happens to 4s and 4d orbital across PT. 4s cannot shield 3d: 4s lies farther away from the nucelus and doesn't affect the charge 3d sees. Both 4s and 3d become more stable (lower in energy) as Zeff increase, BUT, 3d stabilizes faster because 3d is closer to the nucleus (3 is smaller than 4 in 3d and 4s). The 4s electrons are shielded by 0.85 per additional proton while the 3d electrons are shielded by only 0.35 per additional proton. Results in 3s 4s switch of energies. At cobalt, 3d is lower in energy than 4s Magnetic susceptibility is the measure of the likelihood that a compound will become magnetic in a magnetic field. Stereoisomers differ only in ligand arrangement. Only two types, diastereomers, and enantiomers. Three kidneys of structural isomers: Ionization in which the anion and ligand switch. Linkage in which ligand can bond form either side. Coordination in which two metals together in a coordination compound where one is an anion and one is a cation and they switch positions. Why 4s removed first: Ti's electronic configuration is [Ar]4s²3d², as predicted by the Aufbau Principle, because the 4s orbital lies lower in energy than 3d. However, as 3d electrons are added across the first transition series (going from Ti to Cr), the 4s electrons are shielded by the added 3d electrons and experience a lower effective nuclear charge (Z*) than the 3d electrons. As a result, the 4s electrons are the first to be removed through ionization, resulting in the configuration [Ar]3d¹. Made with nCreator - tiplanet.org

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