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Catégorie :Category: nCreator TI-Nspire
Auteur Author: sebastianmedel
Type : Classeur 3.0.1
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Taille Size: 15.25 Ko KB
Mis en ligne Uploaded: 18/03/2025 - 03:06:13
Uploadeur Uploader: sebastianmedel (Profil)
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Shortlink : http://ti-pla.net/a4538004


Fichier Nspire généré sur TI-Planet.org.

Compatible OS 3.0 et ultérieurs.

--[[ CircuitBuilder creates a Circuit from Schematic.elements data to be solved This is a bit of a mess right now :( but it works. I will try to clean it up for the next update ]] CircuitBuilder = class() function CircuitBuilder:init(elements) self.circuit = Circuit() self.elements = elements end function CircuitBuilder:buildCircuit() self.grounds = {} self.nodes = {} self.attachments = {} self.connections = {} self.visited = {} for y, row in pairs(self.elements) do for x, e in pairs(row) do if e and e.kind == "Ground" then table.insert(self.grounds, e) elseif e and e.kind == "Inductor" then -- Agrega el inductor al circuito local node = self:Node(self.circuit, "inductor_" .. x .. "_" .. y) node.node:connect(e.component) table.insert(self.nodes, node) self:attached(e, node) elseif e and e.kind == "Capacitor" then -- Agrega el capacitor al circuito local node = self:Node(self.circuit, "capacitor_" .. x .. "_" .. y) node.node:connect(e.component) table.insert(self.nodes, node) self:attached(e, node) elseif e and e.component then e.component.nodes[1] = false e.component.nodes[-1] = false end end end if #self.grounds < 1 then return end local gnd = self:Node(self.circuit, "gnd") table.insert(self.nodes, gnd) for i, v in pairs(self.grounds) do self:attached(v, gnd) end for i, v in pairs(self.attachments) do if not self.visited[self:toStr(v)] then local node = self:Node(self.circuit, "n"..#self.nodes) for j = -1, 1, 2 do if not v.component.nodes[j] then node.node:connect(v.component, j) end end table.insert(self.nodes, node) self:attached(v, node) self.visited[self:toStr(v)] = true end end local solution = self.circuit:solve(self.nodes[1].node) for i, node in pairs(self.nodes) do for j, wire in pairs(node.wire) do wire.voltage = node.node.voltage end end if solution and solution ~= "false" then return true else return false end end function CircuitBuilder:attached(element, node) local a = element:attached() for sign, v in pairs(a) do for i, e in pairs(v) do if e.kind == "Wire" and not self.visited[self:toStr(e)] then table.insert(node.wire, e) self.visited[self:toStr(e)] = true self:attached(e, node) elseif e.component then local side = e:isAttached(element.x, element.y)*(e.inverted and -1 or 1) if not self.visited[self:toStr(e, side)] then table.insert(self.attachments, e) end if self.visited[self:toStr(e, -side)] then self.visited[self:toStr(e)] = true end if not e.component.nodes[side] then node.node:connect(e.component, side) end self.visited[self:toStr(e, side)] = true end end end end function CircuitBuilder:toStr(e, sign) return e.x .. ", " .. e.y .. (sign and "," .. sign or "") end function CircuitBuilder:Node(circuit, name) return {wire = {}, node = Node(circuit, name), attachments = {}} end --[[ Elements are wrappers for components that handle GUI interactions Attributes: -- Component: Wrapped component -- x, y: Location -- kind: String name of the component -- parameter: Which component variable is set by the edit dialog -- measure: String representing the parameter -- units: Unit type string ]] Element = class() -- movements in the grid that lead to an attached component, split by [element orientation][direction] Element.touching = { vertical = { [-1] = {{0, -2}, {0, -1}, {-1, -1}}, [1] = {{0, 2}, {-1, 1}, {0, 1}} }, horizontal = { [-1] = {{-1, 0}, {0, 1}, {0, -1}}, [1] = {{1, 0}, {1, -1}, {1, 1}} }} -- Statics ------------------------------ function Element.drawCircle(gc, x, y, size, horizontal) if horizontal then gc:drawLine(x, y, x + size/4, y) gc:drawArc(x + size/4, y - size/4, size/2, size/2, 0, 360) gc:drawLine(x + size*(3/4), y, x + size, y) else gc:drawLine(x, y, x, y + size/4) gc:drawArc(x - size/4, y + size/4, size/2, size/2, 0, 360) gc:drawLine(x, y + size*(3/4), x, y + size) end end -- Instance ------------------------------ function Element:init(schematic, inverted, x, y) self.schematic = schematic self.x = x self.y = y self.inverted = inverted end function Element:getDrawingConstants(grid, camera) return self.x*grid.size - camera.x, math.floor(self.y/2)*grid.size - camera.y, grid.size end function Element:draw(gc, grid, camera) x, y, size = self:getDrawingConstants(grid, camera) self.drawComponent(gc, x, y, size, self.inverted, self.y % 2 == 0) end function Element:attached(req_sign) local r = {[1] = {}, [-1] = {}} local set = self.y % 2 == 0 and Element.touching.horizontal or Element.touching.vertical for sign, v in pairs(set) do if (not req_sign or req_sign == sign) then for i, e in pairs(v) do local x, y = self.x + e[1], self.y + e[2] local a = self.schematic.elements[y][x] if a then if oneWay or a:isAttached(self.x, self.y) then table.insert(r[sign], a) end end end end end return r end function Element:isAttached(x, y, req_sign) local set = self.y % 2 == 0 and Element.touching.horizontal or Element.touching.vertical for sign, v in pairs(set) do if (not req_sign or req_sign == sign) then for i, e in pairs(v) do local x1, y1 = self.x + e[1], self.y + e[2] if x1 == x and y1 == y then ret


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