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Catégorie :Category: nCreator TI-Nspire
Auteur Author: octa69
Type : Classeur 3.0.1
Page(s) : 1
Taille Size: 4.21 Ko KB
Mis en ligne Uploaded: 18/03/2025 - 16:49:11
Mis à jour Updated: 18/03/2025 - 16:49:28
Uploadeur Uploader: octa69 (Profil)
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Visibilité Visibility: Archive publique
Shortlink : http://ti-pla.net/a4538688


Fichier Nspire généré sur TI-Planet.org.

Compatible OS 3.0 et ultérieurs.

-------------------------------------------------- Problem 1: State-Space Representation & Transfer Function -------------------------------------------------- Given:     y(k) = -y(k-2) - u(k-1) - u(k-2) Step 1: Define State Variables     x1(k) = y(k),  x2(k) = y(k-1) Step 2: Express State Equations     x1(k+1) = x2(k)     x2(k+1) = -x1(k) - u(k) - u(k-1) Matrix form:     [ x1(k+1) ] = [  0   1 ] [ x1(k) ] + [ -1 ] u(k) + [ -1 ] u(k-1)     [ x2(k+1) ]   [ -1   0 ] [ x2(k) ]   [ -1 ] Output equation:     y(k) = [ 1  0 ] [ x1(k) ] -------------------------------------------------- Step 3: Compute Transfer Function from State-Space -------------------------------------------------- Formula:     T(z) = C (zI - ¦)^(-1) “ Compute:     (zI - ¦) = [ z  -1 ]                [ -1  z ] Determinant:     det(zI - ¦) = z^2 + 1 Inverse:     (zI - ¦)^(-1) = (1 / (z^2 + 1)) * [  z   1 ]                                       [ -1   z ] Multiply by “:     (zI - ¦)^(-1) “ = (1 / (z^2 + 1)) * [ -z - 1 ]                                         [ 1 - z ] Multiply by C:     T(z) = (-z - 1) / (z^2 + 1) -------------------------------------------------- Step 4: Compute Transfer Function Using Z-Transform -------------------------------------------------- a) : Understanding the Given Difference Equation -------------------------------------------------- The original discrete-time system equation is:     y(k) = -y(k-2) - u(k-1) - u(k-2) We want to find the **transfer function** T(z) = Y(z) / U(z) using the **Z-transform**. -------------------------------------------------- b) Apply the Z-Transform -------------------------------------------------- Using the **Z-transform properties**: 1. Basic Z-transform rule:     Z{y(k-n)} = z^(-n) Y(z) 2. Apply the Z-transform to both sides:     Z{y(k)} = -Z{y(k-2)} - Z{u(k-1)} - Z{u(k-2)} Since:     Z{y(k)} = Y(z)     Z{y(k-2)} = z^(-2) Y(z)     Z{u(k-1)} = z^(-1) U(z)     Z{u(k-2)} = z^(-2) U(z) We substitute these into the equation:     Y(z) + z^(-2) Y(z) = - (z^(-1) U(z) + z^(-2) U(z)) -------------------------------------------------- c) Solve for Transfer Function T(z) -------------------------------------------------- Factor out Y(z) on the left-hand side:     Y(z) (1 + z^(-2)) = - U(z) (z^(-1) + z^(-2)) Solve for T(z) = Y(z) / U(z):     T(z) = (- (z^(-1) + z^(-2))) / (1 + z^(-2)) -------------------------------------------------- d): Convert to Standard Transfer Function Form -------------------------------------------------- Multiply both numerator and denominator by z^2 to remove negative exponents:     T(z) = (- (z + 1)) / (z^2 + 1) -------------------------------------------------- e): Interpretation -------------------------------------------------- - The **numerator** (- (z + 1)) defines the **zeros** of the system. - The **denominator** (z^2 + 1) defines the **poles** of the system. - The **Z-transform method matches the previous state-space method**, confirming correctness. -------------------------------------------------- Final Verified Result --------------------------------------------------     T(z) = (-z - 1) / (z^2 + 1) This is the **transfer function**, which fully describes the system in the Z-domain --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- Step 5: Stability Analysis -------------------------------------------------- Poles: Solve denominator equation:     z^2 + 1 = 0     z = ±j Zeros: Solve numerator equation:     -z - 1 = 0     z = -1 Since poles are on the unit circle, the system is marginally stable. -------------------------------------------------- Problem 2: Inverse of Transfer Function -------------------------------------------------- Perform long division:     (-z - 1) / (z^2 + 1) Step 1: Divide leading term:     -z / z^2 = -z^(-1) Step 2: Multiply:     (-z^(-1)) * (z^2 + 1) = -z - z^(-1) Step 3: Subtract:     (-z - 1) - (-z - z^(-1)) = -1 + z^(-1) Step 4: Repeat for remaining terms:     -1 / z^2 = -z^(-3)     (z^(-3)) * (z^2 + 1) = z^(-1) + z^(-3)     (-1 + z^(-1)) - (z^(-1) + z^(-3)) = -1 - z^(-3)     Repeat until:     T(z) = -z^(-1) + z^(-3) - z^(-5) + ... -------------------------------------------------- Problem 3: Characteristic Equation & Stability -------------------------------------------------- Given:     y(k) = 4y(k-1) - 4y(k-2) Step 1: Assume solution y(k) = z^k     z^k = 4z^(k-1) - 4z^(k-2) Divide by z^(k-2):     z^2 = 4z - 4 Characteristic equation:     z^2 - 4z + 4 = 0 Solve:     (z - 2)(z - 2) = 0     z = 2, 2 Since |z| > 1, the system is unstable. -------------------------------------------------- Step 4: Compute Solution with Initial Conditions -------------------------------------------------- Assume:     y(k) = C1 * 2^k + C2 * k * 2^k Use given initial conditions:     y(0) = 1 -> C1 = 1     y(1) = 0 -> 2C1 + 2C2 = 0 -> C2 = -1 Final solution:     y(k) = 2^k (1 - k) -------------------------------------------------- Problem 4: Final V


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