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Homework 4 - Full Step-by-Step Solutions (With Detailed Explanations) -------------------------------------------------- Problem 1: Controllability Analysis -------------------------------------------------- Given the discrete-time system:     x(k+1) = ¦ x(k) + “ u(k) Step 1: Check Controllability for System 1     ¦ = [ 0  1 ]         [ 1  0 ]     “ = [ -1 ]         [  1 ] Controllability is checked using the **controllability matrix**:     C = [ “  ¦“ ] Compute ¦“:     ¦“ = [ 0  1 ] [ -1 ] = [  1 ]                  [ 1  0 ] [  1 ]   [ -1 ] Now construct C:     C = [ -1   1          [  1  -1 ] Compute the rank of C:     rank(C) = 2 Since the rank is equal to the number of state variables, the system is **fully controllable**. Step 2: Check Controllability for System 2     ¦ = [  0 -1  0 ]         [  1  0  0 ]         [  0  0  1 ]     “ = [  1 ]         [  0 ]         [  1 ] Compute the **controllability matrix**:     C = [ “  ¦“  ¦²“ ] Compute ¦“:     ¦“ = ¦ * “ = [  0 -1  0 ] [ 1 ] = [ -1 ]                            [  1  0  0 ] [ 0 ]   [  1 ]                            [  0  0  1 ] [ 1 ]   [  1 ] Compute ¦²“:     ¦²“ = ¦ * ¦“ = [  0 -1  0 ] [ -1 ] = [ 0 ]                                 [  1  0  0 ] [  1 ]   [ -1 ]                                C = [ 1  -1   0 ]         [ 0   1  -1 ]         [ 1   1   1 ] Compute rank(C):     rank(C) = 3 Since rank(C) is equal to the number of state variables, the system is **fully controllable**. -------------------------------------------------- Problem 2: Controller Design for a Discrete-Time System -------------------------------------------------- Given:     x(k+1) = [ 1  1 ]              [ 0  1 ] x(k) + [ 0 ]                                     [ 1 ] u(k) Step 1: Compute the **controllability matrix**:     C = [ “  ¦“ ] Compute ¦“:     ¦“ = [ 1  1 ] [ 0 ] = [ 1 ]               [ 0  1 ] [ 1 ]   [ 1 ] N ow construct C:     C = [ 0  1 ]         [ 1  1 ] Compute rank(C):     rank(C) = 2 (Full Rank, System is Controllable) Step 2: Design a Controller Use the **state feedback law**:     u(k) = -K x(k) Solve for K to move:     x(0) = [2;1] ’ x_f = [0;0] Using **pole placement**, find the desired eigenvalues for **¦ - “K**. Solve for K to achieve stability. ------------------------------------------------- Problem 3: Controllability of a Sampled Continuous System -------------------------------------------------- Given continuous-time system:     x(t) = Fx(t) + Gu(t)     F = [ -1  1 ]            [ -1 -1 ]     G = [  0 ]            [  1 ] Find   sampling period condition for **controllability**. Step 1: Compute the discrete equivalent **state transition matrix**:     ¦ = e^(F*T) Compte:     “ = +(0 to T) e^(FÄ) G dÄ Step 2: Check Controllability Construct     C = [ “  ¦“ ] Compute **rank(C)**. If **rank(C) = 2**, the system is **controllable**. -------------------------------------------------- Problem 4: Stability of Digitized Controller -------------------------------------------------- Given continuous-time system:     x(t) = [ 0  1 ]               [ 0  0 ] x(t) + [ 0 ]                                     [ 1 ] u(t) Step 1: Verify Stability for the Continuous Controller Given:     u(t) = -[2 1] x(t) Compute eigenvalues of:     (F - GK) If all eigenvalues are **in the left half-plane**, the system is **stable**. Step 2: Ceck if the Digitized Controller is Unstable Discretize the system for T = 1:     Compute ¦ and “. Verify if:     ¦ - “K has eigenvalues **outside the unit circle**. Step 3: Show the System is Stable for T < 1 Compute eigenvalues of:     ¦ - “K for different values of T. If all eigenvalues **remain inside the unit circle**, the system is **stable**.   Made with nCreator - tiplanet.org

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