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Catégorie :Category: nCreator TI-Nspire
Auteur Author: octa69
Type : Classeur 3.0.1
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Taille Size: 7.65 Ko KB
Mis en ligne Uploaded: 18/03/2025 - 17:06:14
Uploadeur Uploader: octa69 (Profil)
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Shortlink : http://ti-pla.net/a4538704


Fichier Nspire généré sur TI-Planet.org.

Compatible OS 3.0 et ultérieurs.

-------------------------------------------------- Problem 1(a): Compute G_ZOH(z) for G(s) = 1 / [(s+1)(s-1)] -------------------------------------------------- Step 1: Define the ZOH Equivalent Transfer Function     G_ZOH(z) = (1 - z^(-1)) Z{ G(s) / s } We need to compute:     G(s)/s = 1 / [s(s+1)(s-1)] -------------------------------------------------- Step 2: Perform Partial Fraction Decomposition -------------------------------------------------- Express:     1 / [s(s+1)(s-1)] = A/s + B/(s+1) + C/(s-1) Multiply both sides by s(s+1)(s-1):     1 = A(s+1)(s-1) + B(s)(s-1) + C(s)(s+1) Expanding:     A(s^2 - 1) + B(s^2 - s) + C(s^2 + s) = 1 Grouping terms:     (A + B + C)s^2 + (-B + C)s + (-A) = 1 Setting up equations:     1. A + B + C = 0     2. -B + C = 0     3. -A = 1 Solving:     A = -1     B + C = 1     B = C Since B = C:     2B = 1 ’ B = 1/2 ’ C = 1/2 Thus:     1 / [s(s+1)(s-1)] = -1/s + (1/2)/(s+1) + (1/2)/(s-1) -------------------------------------------------- Step 3: Compute the Inverse Laplace Transform -------------------------------------------------- Using:     L^(-1){ 1/s } = 1     L^(-1){ 1/(s+a) } = e^(-at) Applying:     g(t) = -1 + (1/2)e^(-t) + (1/2)e^(t) -------------------------------------------------- Step 4: Compute the Z-Transform -------------------------------------------------- Using:     Z{ 1 } = 1 / (1 - z^(-1))     Z{ e^(-t) } = 1 / (1 - e^(-T)z^(-1))     Z{ e^(t) } = 1 / (1 - e^(T)z^(-1)) Substituting:     Z{ g(t) } = -Z{ 1 } + (1/2)Z{ e^(-t) } + (1/2)Z{ e^t }     Z{ g(t) } = -[1 / (1 - z^(-1))] + (1/2) [1 / (1 - e^(-T)z^(-1))] + (1/2) [1 / (1 - e^(T)z^(-1))] Applying:     G_ZOH(z) = (1 - z^(-1)) Z{ g(t) } Expanding:     G_ZOH(z) = (1 - z^(-1)) * [-1 / (1 - z^(-1)) + (1/2) / (1 - e^(-T)z^(-1)) + (1/2) / (1 - e^(T)z^(-1))] Final simplification provides the discrete-time transfer function. -------------------------------------------------- Problem 1(b): Compute x(k+1) = ¦ x(k) + “ u(k) -------------------------------------------------- Given:     ‹ = F x + G u where:     F = [ 1  1 ]         [ 0  1 ]     G = [ 1 ]         [ 0 ] Sampling period: T = À/2 -------------------------------------------------- Step 1: Compute ¦ = e^(FT) -------------------------------------------------- The discrete-time state transition matrix is:     ¦ = e^(F T) Since F is not diagonal, use the matrix exponential:     e^(FT) = I + F T + (F T)^2 / 2! + (F T)^3 / 3! + ... Computing:     ¦ = [ e^T  T e^T ]         [  0    e^T  ] Substituting T = À/2:     ¦ = [ e^(À/2)  (À/2)e^(À/2) ]         [   0         e^(À/2)   ] -------------------------------------------------- Step 2: Compute “ = +(0 to T) e^(FÄ) G dÄ -------------------------------------------------- Using integral of matrix exponentials:     “ = [ e^T - 1 ]         [    0    ] Substituting T = À/2:     “ = [ e^(À/2) - 1 ]         [      0      ] -------------------------------------------------- Final Answer -------------------------------------------------- The discrete-time equivalent system is:     x(k+1) = ¦ x(k) + “ u(k) where:     ¦ = [ e^(À/2)  (À/2)e^(À/2) ]         [   0         e^(À/2)   ]     “ = [ e^(À/2) - 1 ]         [      0      ] ---------------------------------------------------- Digital PI Controller Design - Fully Expanded and Step-by-Step Solution -------------------------------------------------- Given Information -------------------------------------------------- We need to design a **digital PI (Proportional-Integral) controller** of the form:     D(z) = k_p + (k_i T z) / (z - 1) for the open-loop system:     G(z) = z / (z - 1) where the **sampling time is T = 1**, such that the **closed-loop system transfer function** matches:     H(z) = (2z) / (z^2 + 1) The goal is to determine the **controller gains ( k_p ) and ( k_i )** to achieve this desired system response. -------------------------------------------------- Step 1: Derive the Closed-Loop Transfer Function ------------------------------------------------ The **closed-loop transfer function** for a **unity feedback** system is given by:     H(z) = (D(z) G(z)) / (1 + D(z) G(z)) ### **Substituting ( G(z) ):** Since we are given:     G(z) = z / (z - 1) We substitute this into the closed-loop equation:     H(z) = (D(z) * (z / (z - 1))) / (1 + D(z) * (z / (z - 1))) ### **Expanding ( D(z) ):** The **digital PI controller** is defined as:     D(z) = k_p + (k_i T z) / (z - 1) Substituting this into the equation:     H(z) = ((k_p + (k_i T z) / (z - 1)) * (z / (z - 1))) / (1 + (k_p + (k_i T z) / (z - 1)) * (z / (z - 1))) ### **Multiply numerator and denominator by ( (z - 1) ):** To clear the fractions, we multiply both the numerator and denominator by ( (z - 1) ):     H(z) = ((k_p (z - 1) + k_i T z) * z) / ((z - 1) + k_p z (z - 1) + k_i T z) ### **Expanding the terms:** Expanding the numerator:     k_p (z - 1) + k_i T z = k_p z - k_p + k_i T z Multiplying by ( z ):     (k_p z - k_p + k_i T z) * z = k_p z^2 - k_p z + k_i T z^2 Expanding the denominator:     (z -


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