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- Code: Select all
from math import ceil
def nop(*argv): pass
show, wait = nop, nop
neg_fill_rect = False
has_color = True
try: # NumWorks, NumWorks + KhiCAS, TI-Nspire CX + KhiCAS
import kandinsky
fill_rect = kandinsky.fill_rect
screen_w, screen_h = 320, 222
neg_fill_rect = True
try: # TI
import ti_draw
try: # TI-Nspire CX II
show = ti_draw.paint_buffer
except: # TI-83PCE/84+CE Python
wait = ti_draw.show_draw
screen_w, screen_h = ti_draw.get_screen_dim()
try: # check TI-83PCE/84+CE ti_draw 1.0 fill_rect bug
def fill_rect(x, y, w, h, c):
ti_draw.set_color(c[0], c[1], c[2])
ti_draw.fill_rect(x, y, w, h)
except: # workaround
def fill_rect(x, y, w, h, c):
ti_draw.set_color(c[0], c[1], c[2])
ti_draw.fill_rect(x - 1, y - 1, w + 2, h + 2)
try: # Casio Graph 90/35+E II, fx-9750/9860GIII, fx-CG50
import casioplot
casioplot.set_pixel(0, 0, (0, 0, 255))
col = casioplot.get_pixel(0, 0)
has_color = col[0] != col[2]
screen_w, screen_h = has_color and (384, 192) or (128, 64)
show = casioplot.show_screen
def fill_rect(x, y, w, h, c):
for dy in range(h):
for dx in range(w):
casioplot.set_pixel(x + dx, y + dy, c)
try: # HP Prime
import hpprime
screen_w, screen_h = hpprime.grobw(0), hpprime.grobh(0)
hpprime.dimgrob(1, screen_w, screen_h, 0)
def col3_2_rgb(c, bits=(8,8,8), bgr=1):
return c[2*bgr]//2**(8 - bits[0]) + c[1]//2**(8 - bits[1])*2**bits[0] + c[2*(not(bgr))]//2**(8-bits[2])*2**(bits[0] + bits[1])
def fill_rect(x, y, w, h, c):
hpprime.fillrect(1, x, y, w, h, col3_2_rgb(c), col3_2_rgb(c))
def show():
hpprime.strblit(0, 0, 0, screen_w, screen_h, 1)
def wait():
while hpprime.keyboard(): pass
while not(hpprime.keyboard()): pass
if not neg_fill_rect:
_fill_rect = fill_rect
def fill_rect(x, y, w, h, c):
if w < 0:
x += w
w = -w
if h < 0:
y += h
h = -h
_fill_rect(x, y, w, h, c)
def draw_image(rle, x0, y0, w, pal, zoomx=1, zoomy=1, itransp=-1):
if not has_color:
pal = list(pal)
g_min, g_max = 255, 0
for k in range(len(pal)):
c = pal[k]
g = 0.299*c[0] + 0.587*c[1] + 0.114*c[2]
g_min = min(g_min, g)
g_max = max(g_max, g)
pal[k] = g
for k in range(len(pal)):
pal[k] = pal[k]<(g_min + g_max) / 2 and (0,0,0) or (255,255,255)
i, x = 0, 0
x0, y0 = int(x0), int(y0)
nvals = len(pal)
nbits = 0
nvals -= 1
nvals >>= 1
nbits += 1
maskval = (1 << nbits) - 1
maskcnt = (0xFF >> nbits >> 1) << nbits
while i<len(rle):
v = rle[i]
mv = v & maskval
c = (v & maskcnt) >> nbits
if (v & 0b10000000 or nbits == 8):
i += 1
c |= rle[i] << (7 - nbits + (nbits == 8))
c = (c + 1)
while c:
cw = min(c, w - x)
if mv != itransp:
fill_rect(x0 + x*zoomx, y0, cw*zoomx, zoomy, pal[mv])
c -= cw
x = (x + cw) % w
y0 += x == 0 and zoomy
i += 1
palettes = (
images = (
for y in range(ceil(screen_h / 32)):
for x in range(ceil(screen_w / 32)):
draw_image(images[0], x*32, y*32, 32, palettes[0])
palettes = (
images = (
for x in range(ceil(screen_w / 16)):
draw_image(images[0], x*16, screen_h-16, 16, palettes[0])
palettes = (
images = (
draw_image(images[0], 0, 0, 32, palettes[0], 1, 1, 5)
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