by Adriweb » 21 Mar 2016, 02:18
Updaté le PB avec la nouvelle version de la toolchain (3.0) et des libraries
MateoConLechuga wrote:Well, I've been rather busy as spring break winds down, so here is update 3.0 which includes a lot of major changes:
- Library functions are now only compiled in if you use them. This reduces your program size, and generally is a lot cleaner.
- The _OS macro has been replaced with an _OS function; which provides a default wrapper for all assembly functions on-calc. Wrappers for particular assembly functions can also be made now; which will be really handy in the future.
- The source for runtime library and build tools have been added to the toolchain for faster and easier testing and development.
Download links:
DownloadC Libraries:
DownloadAlso, the library setup is a little different, just copy everything in the dev folder in the library download to CEDev\lib\ce folder and it will be fine
Anyways, enjoy! This is a pretty big update; I think I'll focus more on fixing a few library bugs, but the toolchain setup is pretty much perfect now
(By library functions not being added in, I mean that they aren't added to the relocatable jump table)