
Cesium: le 1er Shell pour TI-84 Plus CE / TI-83 Premium CE

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Re: Cesium: le 1er Shell pour TI-84 Plus CE / TI-83 Premium

Unread postby Epharius » 11 Oct 2015, 22:57

Oui j'y avais pensé. mais ça ne vaudra pas l'Axe. Les langages interprétés ont toujours été et seront toujours plus lents que les langages compilés, surtout sur une calculatrice.
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Re: Cesium: le 1er Shell pour TI-84 Plus CE / TI-83 Premium

Unread postby DoOmnimaga » 11 Oct 2015, 23:09

Effectivement, même si Grammer faisait tout de même un excellent travail pour certains types de jeux. L'idéal serait de commencer avec un langage basé sur Axe Parser version 0.0.5, qui était la version qui a vraiment levé et déclenché l'engouement pour ce langage en 2010. La raison pour cela c'est qu'il faut toujours commencer avec des projets plus petit, et que c'est cette version qui avait ajouté le support de sprites et rendu possible le développement de jeux complets.
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Re: Cesium: le 1er Shell pour TI-84 Plus CE / TI-83 Premium

Unread postby MateoConLechuga » 12 Oct 2015, 22:00

Just wanted to post this because Epharius seems to be having hook troubles. Hooks on the CE are exactly like on the old z80 calculators. Simply create an appvar (or group, if you know how ;) ), copy your hook to the appvar, archive it, and set the hook address (HL) to the start of the location of the AppVar's data in the archive. This is really easy to do, and an alternate solution would be to store the hook in your program and then lookup your program, archive it, and fix up the pointers. There is no sense of "archive" with hooks. Also, it is very interesting the way your hook works, but that is just me.
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Re: Cesium: le 1er Shell pour TI-84 Plus CE / TI-83 Premium

Unread postby critor » 12 Oct 2015, 22:01

Thank you very much :)
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Re: Cesium: le 1er Shell pour TI-84 Plus CE / TI-83 Premium

Unread postby Hayleia » 12 Oct 2015, 22:03

But that archived appvar, isn't there a chance that it moves (after Garbage Collecting or similar things) ? Because if it does, the hook doesn't work anymore...

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Re: Cesium: le 1er Shell pour TI-84 Plus CE / TI-83 Premium

Unread postby Adriweb » 12 Oct 2015, 22:04

Ah, thanks, interesting indeed. Hopefully that will help him combining everything properly :D

Hayleia: with a fixed name, it's a matter of looping through the VAT to look for it, I guess.

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Re: Cesium: le 1er Shell pour TI-84 Plus CE / TI-83 Premium

Unread postby Epharius » 12 Oct 2015, 22:05

The only thing I don't understand is "how to set the hook address to the Archive?". With the A register?
Last edited by Epharius on 12 Oct 2015, 22:15, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Cesium: le 1er Shell pour TI-84 Plus CE / TI-83 Premium

Unread postby Hayleia » 12 Oct 2015, 22:05

Adriweb wrote:Hayleia: with a fixed name, it's a matter of looping through the VAT to look for it, I guess.

Yes, that's something you can do in one of your programs, but you'd still have to run that program (that would look for the appvar) and how would you run that program ? You just moved the problem :P

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Re: Cesium: le 1er Shell pour TI-84 Plus CE / TI-83 Premium

Unread postby Adriweb » 12 Oct 2015, 22:07

Ah, right :troll:

Then, the user will have to know that he'd have to reinstall the hook after...

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Re: Cesium: le 1er Shell pour TI-84 Plus CE / TI-83 Premium

Unread postby Epharius » 12 Oct 2015, 22:11

I noticed that cesium used (or reset) all pixelshadow2, is there a solution to "share" this place with me? :D
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