Votre émulateur CE open-source est plus correct et plus puissant que jamais
Quoi de neuf ?
Beaucoup de choses ! Autant dans le cœur d'émulation ("core") que l'interface ("GUI") : transferts USB émulés, gestion du matériel des révisions M+ (pas encore le python par contre), améliorations majeures sur le LCD, refactor des timers watchdog, gestion des architectures big-endian, Dark Mode amélioré, Débug du TI-Basic... Les efforts de jacobly et calc84maniac en particulier, sont à saluer ❤️Une refonte de la CI (build automatisée sur GitHub suivie de publication des binaires) a aussi été faite, permettant de proposer en téléchargement tout ce qu'il vous faut, que ce soit pour des OS modernes ou un peu plus anciens, pour Windows (32bit et 64 bit), macOS (intel et arm), ou Linux (les packages sur OBS sont aussi à jour !).
Détails :
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* Support for real host->emu transfers (USB emulation), by @jacobly0. i.e. you can now transfer Apps and OSes normally
* Support for rev M+ hardware _(excluding Python coprocessor)_, by @jacobly0 and @calc84maniac.
* Major LCD emulation improvements, by @calc84maniac.
* Major watchdog timer rewrite based on hardware research, by @calc84maniac.
* Prepare future Python-related features, by @jacobly0 and @calc84maniac (SPI, UART...)
* Big endian support, by @calc84maniac
* Make keypress emulation thread-safe, by @calc84maniac
* Lots of other misc. fixes and improvements (timing, accuracy, performance, rst/trap edge cases...)
* Proper dark mode support (be sure to use Qt6 builds)
* Improved display of emulation speed and screen refresh rate
* Screenshots/recordings now have correct screen brightness
* Fix fullscreen mode when using multiple monitors
* Add upscale method and fullscreen aspect ratio settings
* Add vertical printing to Keypress History
* Add calculator skins for newer models, and some new color variants
* Add some debugging features for TI-Basic (step-by-step execution, live variable preview etc.)
* Fix name of a few OS variables in some cases (some were labeled
, formula lists support...)* Fix crash upon trying to export natural keymap (you can't)
* Fix byte display order in disassembler for index bit instructions
* Fix R register in debugger.
* Deduplicate imported equates in the debugger
* Add/improve variable content preview (tivars_lib_cpp updates)
* Add disassembler option for tabs between the opcode and operands
* Fix "Pause emulation" preventing CEmu from closing
* Add SmartPad keymap (for use with the calc app)
* Add
IPC command/option* macOS: fix screenshot drag'n'drop
* Add
CLI option to clear the config* New/improved translations by @Stephan-P (NL), @wolfarmoon (ES), @Jerry23011+@LifeEmu (CN)
* Better version update check
* Lots of various fixes
CI / Build:
@calc84maniac and @adriweb have been improving the build system and CI workflows:
* Move the CI to GitHub actions (now provide builds for all three OSes)
* macOS: native builds available for both Intel and Apple Silicon
* macOS: the builds are now codesigned and notarized automatically
* Take care of some LTO issues
* Update to latest Qt5 and Qt6
* CMake support (with vcpkg integration)
Changelog complet sur GitHub : https://github.com/CE-Programming/CEmu/ ... 1.3...v2.0
Au passage, voici à quoi ressemble le debug de TI-Basic :
❤️ Nous remercions tous nos contributeurs, et vous, utilisateurs, également - Profitez bien de la nouvelle version !