
nCleaner: encore plus d'espace libre sur TI-Nspire

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Re: nCleaner: encore plus d'espace libre sur TI-Nspire

Unread postby critor » 15 Aug 2012, 15:40

I'd like to apologize to all of you.

For some reason, the TI-Nspire catalog data is included in the english locale (1 file per tab).
I knew that, and had protected those files againts removal... except 1 of them I forgot to protect :(

If you chose to remove the english locale, then nCleaner 1.00 was removing by mistake the units file from the catalog (3rd tab).

If you have downloaded nCleaner, you should get the updated copy, which won't cause the problem anymore:
nCleaner 1.01: archives_voir.php?id=6656

But of course, simply using an updated nCleaner binary won't fix the problem on allready affected systems.
You can still reinstall the OS and Ndless...

But I've got faster and simpler for you: I've included a patch in a subfolder to fix the problem on allready affected systems.
It will just restore the missing file.

You only need to do that 1 time, if you have the problem:
- send units.res.tns to your ndless folder
- send ncleanpatch.tns
- launch ncleanpatch.tns

Units are now back in the catalog :)

You can remove ncleanpatch.tns (don't touch units.res.tns: it's removed automatically).
Don't forget to use an updated copy of nCleaner in the future.

Again, my deapest apologizes for the inconvenience.
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