Certes, il serait probablement en effet plus compréhensible en anglais que traduit automatiquement, mais sache qu'il a déjà posté sur Omnimaga il y a plusieurs jours (sans obtenir de réponse), et a donc fait l'effort de poster ici. Bref, d'aucuns pourraient considérer que tu n'es pas sympa
Il en sera de Hardwear J jamais avoir un logiciel exploit ou pirater comme ndlessly?
We don't know.
J'ai besoin de savoir parce que sinon je vais vendre ou d'échanger cet appareil.
The problem is, the Nspire platform is one of the most widespread calculators, so what would you buy instead ?
The HP Prime is a powerful calculator, and a pretty open platform at that (if still pretty young and slightly buggy), but sadly, TI is too well entrenched into the education market for their competitors' products to threaten their position, even with technically better offerings...
The overpriced and underpowered Casio fx-CP400 is really crappy, so don't buy that.
si il est certainement possible et beaucoup de gens travaillent dur pour elle ce serait une date de sortie approximative?
According to past experience, release dates are never announced. Even if people had found something and were working on it, we wouldn't know.
des conseils ou des conseils comme, comment un n00b peut aider et quoi faire en attendant avec elle?
You can use BASIC software, or Lua software such as mViewer GX, but not unleash the full power of your calculator...
-puis-je obtenir quoi que ce soit?
I'm afraid not, pretty much nobody can obtain anything anyway (again, according to past experience).