
Nouvel OS TI-Nspire CX 4.5 rentrée 2017

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Re: Nouvel OS TI-Nspire CX 4.5 rentrée 2017

Unread postby Ti64CLi++ » 03 Sep 2017, 10:49

Je demandais juste. Je me suis que peut etre ils avaient peut etre reussi en 3 jours comme avec l OS 4.4 ;)
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Re: Nouvel OS TI-Nspire CX 4.5 rentrée 2017

Unread postby Adriweb » 03 Sep 2017, 11:39

Un poil plus que 3 jours, apparemment ;)

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Re: Nouvel OS TI-Nspire CX 4.5 rentrée 2017

Unread postby Adriweb » 03 Sep 2017, 22:51

compsystems wrote:DispAt cmd print in pretty-print?, please a example and screenshot

Of course it works as expected :


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Re: Nouvel OS TI-Nspire CX 4.5 rentrée 2017

Unread postby 4BH_MM7 » 09 Sep 2017, 19:03

I found two more bug fixes: In OS 4.4 when you were in the scratchpad, and then pressed Doc; B; Menu; Esc; you could see behind the scratchpad (on the sides where you can see the home menu) there would be the remains of the menu you just brought up. It was like a ghost of the menu, but when you exited the scratchpad, it disappeared. In OS 4.5, this is fixed, and the menu disappears properly as expected! Also, when you would close a document in OS 4.4, and when it prompted you to save the document, you could not use the "right arrow" button to select "no" or to cancel closing the document. It wouldn't let you for some reason, so if you wanted to select "no" or "cancel" you would have to use the mousepad/touchpad and move and click the cursor onto the "no", which was annoying. In Nspire OS 4.5, this has been fixed as well! However, apparently this bug though only appeared for some users. Maybe it depends on a calculator's hardware revision?
Last edited by 4BH_MM7 on 09 Sep 2017, 19:23, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Nouvel OS TI-Nspire CX 4.5 rentrée 2017

Unread postby Ti64CLi++ » 09 Sep 2017, 19:09

In OS 4.4, I could used the "right arrow" button to select no when I would close a document, and when it prompted me to save the document.
I had not this bug :(
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