
[FR/EN] Downgrade Nspire OS 3.9 CX / ClickPad

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Re: [FR/EN] Downgrade Nspire OS 3.9 CX / ClickPad

Unread postby Adriweb » 04 Feb 2015, 22:15

Eh, we don't know, but be sure to monitor this topic, it will be updated as soon as it's done :)

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Re: [FR/EN] Downgrade Nspire OS 3.9 CX / ClickPad

Unread postby Jackes » 04 Feb 2015, 22:22

Hey everybody. I've bought my TI-Nspire CX today.

However, it comes with the hardware revision "P-1014S", which, judging from my reading of this post, won't work with versions below the OS 3.9.1

Is there an estimate when the problem can be solved ? I'd really like to try out Ndless and it's endless potential.


P.S - The only thing i'd like to get access(for now) is to the CAS engine. If I can do that without installing ndless, please mention with on the topic.
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Re: [FR/EN] Downgrade Nspire OS 3.9 CX / ClickPad

Unread postby FriedTM » 04 Feb 2015, 22:41

Jackes wrote:Hey everybody. I've bought my TI-Nspire CX today.

However, it comes with the hardware revision "P-1014S", which, judging from my reading of this post, won't work with versions below the OS 3.9.1

Is there an estimate when the problem can be solved ? I'd really like to try out Ndless and it's endless potential.


P.S - The only thing i'd like to get access(for now) is to the CAS engine. If I can do that without installing ndless, please mention with on the topic.

as far as I understand its a hardware issue so it cant be fixed, idk about getting cas
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Re: [FR/EN] Downgrade Nspire OS 3.9 CX / ClickPad

Unread postby Adriweb » 05 Feb 2015, 00:12

If a new version of Ndless gets released for the OS 3.9(.1) then it's not a problem anymore.
But then it will be for future OS versions, as always :P

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Re: [FR/EN] Downgrade Nspire OS 3.9 CX / ClickPad

Unread postby LittleLion » 05 Feb 2015, 15:23


I have a nspire clickpad non-cas and i want to downgrade to, can you tell me where is the OS??
I search and only find to the clickpad cas (https://tiplanet.org/forum/archives_voir.php?id=29558)
Can you give me a help??

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Re: [FR/EN] Downgrade Nspire OS 3.9 CX / ClickPad

Unread postby critor » 05 Feb 2015, 17:56

It was the right link :

There was just an error in the description.
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Re: [FR/EN] Downgrade Nspire OS 3.9 CX / ClickPad

Unread postby LittleLion » 06 Feb 2015, 13:05

critor wrote:It was the right link :

There was just an error in the description.

Thank you very much!!
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Re: [FR/EN] Downgrade Nspire OS 3.9 CX / ClickPad

Unread postby theo tarsiguel » 21 Feb 2015, 23:08

Bonsoir a tous
Je viens d'effectuer la manip pour downgrader avec ma TI Nspire CX CAS mais l'installation reste bloque a 15 %, des idees ?
J'ai DS de maths lundi et j'en aurais besoin ! Si vous avez des idées .. j'ai peur que le downgrade ne marche pas..

EDIT: Downgrade realise avec succès ! Merci ! Ne vous étonnez pas si ça dure 15/20 minutes
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Re: [FR/EN] Downgrade Nspire OS 3.9 CX / ClickPad

Unread postby helmi14 » 25 Feb 2015, 13:45

bonjours après avoir suivi les étapes pour downgrader mon os au moment de la dernière étape un message d'erreur s'affiche et m'explique tout simplement que je ne peux pas installer une version antérieur a celle que j'ai deja (3.9) que dois-je faire ? merci
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Re: [FR/EN] Downgrade Nspire OS 3.9 CX / ClickPad

Unread postby Lionel Debroux » 25 Feb 2015, 13:48

La désactivation de la protection anti-downgrade n'a manifestement pas fonctionné.

Quelle était la version exacte d'origine de l'OS de ta machine ?,, ?
Quel est le code de date à l'arrière de la machine, à côté du numéro de série ? Habituellement P-<4 chiffres>-<lettre>.
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