
[Tutorial] Install Ndless 4.0/4.2/4.4

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Re: [Tutorial] Install Ndless 4.0/4.2

Unread postby Red Claw » 08 Mar 2016, 19:02

Merci pour vos réponses :)
Vous pensez qu'une version officielle de ndless pour les nouveaux modèles sortira ou bien il vaut mieux essayer de compiler le code sur github?
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Re: [Tutorial] Install Ndless 4.0/4.2

Unread postby critor » 08 Mar 2016, 19:05

Dans l'immédiat ça ne sert à rien.

Actuellement, aucun programme Ndless ne fonctionnera sur les révisions W, même si l'installation de Ndless réussit.
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Re: [Tutorial] Install Ndless 4.0/4.2

Unread postby Adriweb » 08 Mar 2016, 20:51

Des utilitaires non-graphiques marcheraient probablement, mais bon :P

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Re: [Tutorial] Install Ndless 4.0/4.2

Unread postby kim366 » 11 Mar 2016, 15:27

I did as you said, my calculator rebooted, but I see no success message! And I can't install anything that needs ndless...
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Re: [Tutorial] Install Ndless 4.0/4.2

Unread postby critor » 11 Mar 2016, 17:19

What's your calculator datestamp ?

It's the P-0000X code printed on the back at the right of the serial number.
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Re: [Tutorial] Install Ndless 4.0/4.2

Unread postby kim366 » 11 Mar 2016, 20:20

critor wrote:What's your calculator datestamp ?

It's the P-0000X code printed on the back at the right of the serial number.

If you were asking me, it is P-1215W

Thanks for taking your time to help me!

Also: OS is 4.2.0 CAS. I moved the right installer and the resources. It just reboots, but then it is like before. No idea why. At first I had the wrong OS, the same thing happened. Then I upgraded. Should I reset?
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Re: [Tutorial] Install Ndless 4.0/4.2

Unread postby critor » 11 Mar 2016, 20:28

kim366 wrote:If you were asking me, it is P-1215W

So you've got a hardware revision W calculator.

Ndless is not compatible with hardware revision W yet.
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Re: [Tutorial] Install Ndless 4.0/4.2

Unread postby kim366 » 11 Mar 2016, 20:57

critor wrote:
kim366 wrote:If you were asking me, it is P-1215W

So you've got a hardware revision W calculator.

Ndless is not compatible with hardware revision W yet.

What? My calculator is too new? Really?... When will it be compatible? Also, is there really nothing I can do? What was changed with this new version? Can I compile code myself to make it work?

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Re: [Tutorial] Install Ndless 4.0/4.2

Unread postby Lionel Debroux » 11 Mar 2016, 21:04

What? My calculator is too new?


Rally... When will it be compatible?

New releases are pretty much never announced ahead of time :)

What was changed with this new version?

The screen was rotated, which breaks both the original version of the exploit, and many existing Ndless programs.

Can I compile code myself to make it work?

There's some code for HW W support in the repo, but a number of well-known Ndless programs need extra code changes, not just recompilation.
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Re: [Tutorial] Install Ndless 4.0/4.2

Unread postby kim366 » 11 Mar 2016, 21:10

Lionel Debroux wrote:
What? My calculator is too new?


Rally... When will it be compatible?

New releases are pretty much never announced ahead of time :)

What was changed with this new version?

The screen was rotated, which breaks both the original version of the exploit, and many existing Ndless programs.

Can I compile code myself to make it work?

There's some code for HW W support in the repo, but a number of well-known Ndless programs need extra code changes, not just recompilation.

Hmmm. Well thanks for your answer! So there is really nothing I can do, until I can finally play Wolfenstein 3D ;) I know programming, but I don't think on the needed level...
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