
[FR/EN] Downgrade Nspire OS 3.9 CX / ClickPad

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Re: [FR/EN] Downgrade Nspire OS 3.9 CX / ClickPad

Unread postby Cionow » 16 Aug 2015, 02:36

Alright I'll try them, thanks!
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Re: [FR/EN] Downgrade Nspire OS 3.9 CX / ClickPad

Unread postby Cionow » 16 Aug 2015, 03:02

is it still possible to downgrade though as I know it is recommended and I just don't want to encounter annoying problems
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Re: [FR/EN] Downgrade Nspire OS 3.9 CX / ClickPad

Unread postby Adriweb » 16 Aug 2015, 03:04

No, you cannot downgrade as your hardware revision is too recent (maximum is 'S') and older OSes won't work normally/at all.

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Re: [FR/EN] Downgrade Nspire OS 3.9 CX / ClickPad

Unread postby cataklix » 07 Sep 2015, 18:02

J'ai une révision U. si je réalise le downgrade, que va t il se passer ? Sera t elle non fonctionnelle, ou elle marchera très mal ?
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Re: [FR/EN] Downgrade Nspire OS 3.9 CX / ClickPad

Unread postby critor » 07 Sep 2015, 18:12

Trop récent.

Toutes les révisions S+ (ce qui inclut la U) ne font pas tourner correctement les version 3.9.0 et inférieures.
Donc il te faut rester avec une version 3.9.1 ou supérieure.
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Re: [FR/EN] Downgrade Nspire OS 3.9 CX / ClickPad

Unread postby FriedTM » 26 Sep 2015, 20:55

Thank you for providing this downgrade, however currently there is no way that I can find for a ti nspire mono chrome touch pad running 3.9 to get ndless. I would like to know if there are plans to rectify this or should I just give up? Thank you for your time and effort.
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Re: [FR/EN] Downgrade Nspire OS 3.9 CX / ClickPad

Unread postby Adriweb » 26 Sep 2015, 20:56

For now, Ndless 3.9 is not available for Touchpad, sorry.

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Re: [FR/EN] Downgrade Nspire OS 3.9 CX / ClickPad

Unread postby FriedTM » 26 Sep 2015, 21:19

Adriweb wrote:For now, Ndless 3.9 is not available for Touchpad, sorry.

yeah :/ I was just hoping something was in the works, its rather disheartening when all you can do is wait.
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Re: [FR/EN] Downgrade Nspire OS 3.9 CX / ClickPad

Unread postby matteob92 » 04 Dec 2015, 21:15

Guys, please help me!
I was on OS version on my nspire CX CAS, I installed DowngradeFix 3.9 'downgradefix391cx.tns' as advised but then TI-Nspire Computer Link Software version didn't let me installing OS
So I first tried to perform a 'reset' and go back to step 3, but only the same : then I went to maintenance menu and deleted OS and documents using '4' and then '1' button.
The problem is that pc software doesn't recognize yet the 3.6 OS file to send to the TI, I've tried also entering into Diagnostics menu and selecting '0. Additional function' -> 'Go to OS mode' and performing a reset but still nothing.Image
How can I solve? What's my error? Till installation of a new OS my calculator is useless (I'm using the original cable included into the box on a laptop with Windows 7 64 bit), I need you :|
EDIT : I can add that my hardware revision is P-0612E as shown there (from what I had read would be compatible with downgrading) Image
And the maintenance menu shows'Operating System not found. Install OS now.'like into the image Image
How can I force Computer Link into installing an OS version that I want to select manually, and not the last 4.X available?
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Re: [FR/EN] Downgrade Nspire OS 3.9 CX / ClickPad

Unread postby critor » 04 Dec 2015, 22:16

Just drag the .tcc file to the TI-Nspire documents browser.
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