
[Tuto] [EN/FR] Install nLoader / TI-Nspire CX

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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install nLoader / TI-Nspire CX

Unread postby frank1905 » 16 May 2018, 21:05

Obviously worked! Thank you Critor!
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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install nLoader / TI-Nspire CX

Unread postby parrotgeek1 » 17 May 2018, 06:50

Adriweb wrote:First time we learn of an "AD" revision, so nobody knows until it is tried (you may or may not want to take the risk...)
What's the full datecode? Something like N-0218AD ?

I'm pretty sure it should work on AD, because the calculator was manufactured before nLoader even existed, and it came with Boot2
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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install nLoader / TI-Nspire CX

Unread postby Shirotaku » 17 May 2018, 19:19

I can confirm, that this method is working on the newest hardware revision (AD)!
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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install nLoader / TI-Nspire CX

Unread postby FantaVision » 22 May 2018, 13:31

Hi! I don't know if this is the right place to post, so I eventually apologize. I've already bought a Ti Nspire CX (no Cas) and i checked my hw revision: N-1117AC. My Boot 1 version is and Boot 2 The OS Version is Can anyone give me advises on which guide should i follow?? Thanks!
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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install nLoader / TI-Nspire CX

Unread postby Shirotaku » 22 May 2018, 13:33

FantaVision wrote:Hi! I don't know if this is the right place to post, so I eventually apologize. I've already bought a Ti Nspire CX (no Cas) and i checked my hw revision: N-1117AC. My Boot 1 version is and Boot 2 The OS Version is Can anyone give me advises on which guide should i follow?? Thanks!

This guide. It worked perfectly for me and I've got a newer hardware revision than you (N-0118AD)
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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install nLoader / TI-Nspire CX

Unread postby critor » 22 May 2018, 16:49

Thank you very much for confirming it still works. :)
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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install nLoader / TI-Nspire CX

Unread postby Shirotaku » 28 May 2018, 20:34

Quick question: If the CAS OS is installed, I dont have to keep ndless installed, right? So I can remove any files related to the OS-change?
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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install nLoader / TI-Nspire CX

Unread postby critor » 28 May 2018, 20:38

With the nLoader images currently linked to in the tutorial, yes I think so.
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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install nLoader / TI-Nspire CX

Unread postby parrotgeek1 » 28 May 2018, 22:48

critor wrote:With the nLoader images currently linked to in the tutorial, yes I think so.

Yes. This will be true forever. (Because making the special version without patches was enough to make Adriweb happy, I don't need to separate the patches from the normal version).

Did you see my message about the overclock value for CR4? I need it for nLoader beta 2 (and the nMaker with graphical bugs fixed and a verification that the boot2's image name is BOOT2 to stop bricks).
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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install nLoader / TI-Nspire CX

Unread postby critor » 28 May 2018, 22:57

Yes, but I'm sorry I'm much too busy currently.
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