
[Tuto] [EN/FR] Install nLoader / TI-Nspire CX

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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install nLoader / TI-Nspire CX

Unread postby shanecantrell11@yahoo.com » 14 Sep 2018, 15:35

critor wrote:Seems you didn't select the right files, and thus did generate and flash an unbootable image.

Try holding :nses: :nsme: :nsmo: while pressing and releasing the reset button on the back.

alright now what? it has a white screen with CX CR IV DVT (2016/02/15) Diag at the top
on the side it has
2. Touchpad Keyboard NO TEST
3. Ship mode NO TEST
4. Auto Test NO TEST
5. Manual Test NO TEST
6. Information screen NO TEST
0. Additional Function NO TEST
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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install nLoader / TI-Nspire CX

Unread postby critor » 14 Sep 2018, 17:06

Then you didn't only select the wrong files, you also skipped at least one important part of the how-to.

I'm sorry, but your calculator is now bricked beyond repair by any software tool.

To repair it, you'll need to buy an USB/TTL interface, and connect it like this to reflash a Boot2 image :
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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install nLoader / TI-Nspire CX

Unread postby shanecantrell11@yahoo.com » 14 Sep 2018, 20:23

critor wrote:Then you didn't only select the wrong files, you also skipped at least one important part of the how-to.

I'm sorry, but your calculator is now bricked beyond repair by any software tool.

To repair it, you'll need to buy an USB/TTL interface, and connect it like this to reflash a Boot2 image :

I thought i followed all the directions carefully :( i guess not. i think ill just buy an nspire with cas this guide isnt very beginner friendly.
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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install nLoader / TI-Nspire CX

Unread postby Shirotaku » 14 Sep 2018, 20:24

shanecantrell11@yahoo.com wrote:
critor wrote:Then you didn't only select the wrong files, you also skipped at least one important part of the how-to.

I'm sorry, but your calculator is now bricked beyond repair by any software tool.

To repair it, you'll need to buy an USB/TTL interface, and connect it like this to reflash a Boot2 image :

I thought i followed all the directions carefully :( i guess not. i think ill just buy an nspire with cas this guide isnt very beginner friendly.

Actually it is very beginner friendly. You just have to be very careful and read everything twice. I've also briked one nspire :D
Last edited by Shirotaku on 14 Sep 2018, 23:58, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install nLoader / TI-Nspire CX

Unread postby critor » 14 Sep 2018, 21:43

shanecantrell11@yahoo.com wrote:I thought i followed all the directions carefully :( i guess not. i think ill just buy an nspire with cas this guide isnt very beginner friendly.

As far as I know, everything is written in a very comprehensive way, together with captures so that you can check at each step.

The USB/TTL interface should't cost more than $5.
I've got one; if you can ship your calculator to France, I'll gladly repair it for you.
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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install nLoader / TI-Nspire CX

Unread postby shanecantrell11@yahoo.com » 15 Sep 2018, 00:39

critor wrote:
shanecantrell11@yahoo.com wrote:I thought i followed all the directions carefully :( i guess not. i think ill just buy an nspire with cas this guide isnt very beginner friendly.

As far as I know, everything is written in a very comprehensive way, together with captures so that you can check at each step.

The USB/TTL interface should't cost more than $5.
I've got one; if you can ship your calculator to France, I'll gladly repair it for you.

could you send a link to the cable where i could buy it
and is the repair difficult to do?
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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install nLoader / TI-Nspire CX

Unread postby critor » 15 Sep 2018, 19:13

It's not difficult if everything goes well.
You'll have to :
- install a software supporting serial ports and Xmodem transfers (ExtraPutty for example)
- connect to the new COM port @ 115200 bauds; Data bits: 8; Parity: Even; Stop bits: 1; Flow control: None
- put the calculator into Boot2 receiving mode by holding :nsdo: :nsen: :ns2: while performing a reset
- send a 4.0.1+ Boot2 image using Xmodem (for example archives_voir.php?id=481757 )

You can just type "usb ttl" in your favorite marketplace.
For example :

Note you'll need male cables for the calculator side, and you'll have to secure them on the Npire Dock connector as pictured :

If you're not sure I can do it for you; I'm not charging anything for the service; so twice the shipping fees should still be less than a new TI-Nspire price.
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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install nLoader / TI-Nspire CX

Unread postby doubleZeroEight » 26 Sep 2018, 23:33

critor wrote:It's not difficult if everything goes well.
You'll have to :
- install a software supporting serial ports and Xmodem transfers (ExtraPutty for example)
- connect to the new COM port @ 115200 bauds; Data bits: 8; Parity: Even; Stop bits: 1; Flow control: None
- put the calculator into Boot2 receiving mode by holding :nsdo: :nsen: :ns2: while performing a reset
- send a 4.0.1+ Boot2 image using Xmodem (for example archives_voir.php?id=481757 )

You can just type "usb ttl" in your favorite marketplace.
For example :

Note you'll need male cables for the calculator side, and you'll have to secure them on the Npire Dock connector as pictured :

If you're not sure I can do it for you; I'm not charging anything for the service; so twice the shipping fees should still be less than a new TI-Nspire price.

My Calculator is bricked and every time I try sending the boot2 img file in RealTerm it gets about 1/3 of the way through and gives "Download error: 255BOOT1 Error:" "Halting boot due to download error.". When I tried ExtraPutty it only manages to send 4 packets before it aborts. How can I fix this? I'm using Windows 10.

Edit: I managed to get it to send more of the boot2 img file. Wish me luck. It turned out that I had to click send less than a second after resetting with the key combo.
Edit2: After that finished it now says that there is no DIAGS and no BOOT2 image.
Edit3: It turns out my calc was rebooting during the transfer. It seems to be working better with ExtraPutty.
Edit4: After 6 hours of work, it finally worked. Yay!!!!
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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install nLoader / TI-Nspire CX

Unread postby critor » 27 Sep 2018, 08:51

Then congratulations for achieving all this on your own ! :bj:
Now thanks to your knowledge of this tools, your calculator is almost unbrickable.
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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install nLoader / TI-Nspire CX

Unread postby Bacca » 03 Oct 2018, 04:03

I tried installed CAS on my Ti - Nspire CX and I got an X in a circle on bootup



After I tried to do :nses: :nsme: :nsmo: I got a clock screen that wont go away


(Images borrowed from other replies)

Ive read through each post on this thread and not one matched my problem exactly but I was able to find pictures of similar screens. When I do :nses: :nsme: :nsmo: my computer makes a sound that it recognizes something is plugged in now but my TI-Student Software doesn't recognize any calculators probably because it is stuck on the clock screen

Any help is appreciated thank you!

(If I need to buy a USB TTL interface will this have everything I need? https://www.amazon.com/DSD-TECH-Convert ... dpSrc=srch)

And if I do need to use putty can I get a clarification on what to do after I put the settings in? I don't want to mess up the wiring
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