
[Tuto] [EN/FR] Install nLoader / TI-Nspire CX

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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install nLoader / TI-Nspire CX

Unread postby critor » 26 Apr 2019, 13:26

Revision AB is ok, yes. :)
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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install nLoader / TI-Nspire CX

Unread postby effeffe » 26 Apr 2019, 23:44

oh, thank you very much.
Can I ask if ndless is permanently installed after the cas mod and if the exam (press-to-test) mode is still available?

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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install nLoader / TI-Nspire CX

Unread postby critor » 27 Apr 2019, 00:25

Ndless will be automatically installed after each calculator reboot, unless you remove its files.
The exam mode still works.
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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install nLoader / TI-Nspire CX

Unread postby felixlee0530 » 11 May 2019, 18:16

Hey everyone,

I used this guide to modify my Nspire CX to have a CAS operating system. The OS version I installed was

Now I'm trying to return it back to CX, so I flashed the Non CAS image in Btmg and installed the latest version of CX OS: 4.5.1.

However, after the initial loading screen of the calculator, it shows a full red screen of death.

I know that v4.5.1 is not supported by nLoader yet, but I wanna make the latest version of OS work in my CX because I don't have any incentive to change it to CAS OS anymore. How can I do that?
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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install nLoader / TI-Nspire CX

Unread postby critor » 11 May 2019, 18:21

Indeed, OS 4.5.1 is not known to nLoader yet, and nLoader refuses to boot any OS it doesn't know about.

To run OS 4.5.1, you'll need to remove/bypass nLoader.

Removing nLoader is very easy.
With BtMg, just overwrite the nLoader or Boot1.5 image in the Boot2 partition, with an official Boot2 image.

Here is CX Boot2 for example :
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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install nLoader / TI-Nspire CX

Unread postby felixlee0530 » 11 May 2019, 18:27

critor wrote:Indeed, OS 4.5.1 is not known to nLoader yet, and nLoader refuses to boot any OS it doesn't know about.

To run OS 4.5.1, you'll need to remove/bypass nLoader.

Removing nLoader is very easy.
With BtMg, just overwrite the nLoader or Boot1.5 image in the Boot2 partition, with an official Boot2 image.

Here is CX Boot2 for example :

I know what you're talking about now.

However, I'm meeting a huge problem right now.. If I try to boot to the OS, the GDC will show a red screen, and if I try to install an OS within the supported version (e.g. CX, the computer link software would say that I cannot install version lower than the current version (4.5.1)..

I'm dead.. what should I do? I need to boot properly to a certain OS to do this..
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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install nLoader / TI-Nspire CX

Unread postby critor » 11 May 2019, 18:35


I'm not sure to understand, as I didn't update my nLoader calculator to 4.5.1.

If you're stuck on the red screen, then how could you try sending an older version ?
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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install nLoader / TI-Nspire CX

Unread postby felixlee0530 » 11 May 2019, 18:37

critor wrote:Ok.

I'm not sure to understand, as I didn't update my nLoader calculator to 4.5.1.

If you're stuck on the red screen, then how could you try sending an older version ?

I went into maintenance mode and deleted my OS, and it showed me an info to install an OS.

But I'm actually stuck because neither I can install OS (due to downgrade protection) nor I can boot to an os properly because of the red screen??
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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install nLoader / TI-Nspire CX

Unread postby critor » 11 May 2019, 18:44


Hm, I thought nLoader was disabling the downgrade protection...

Ok, assuming you performed the installation how-to accurately, let's try bypassing nLoader :
  • hold :nses: :nsme: :nsmo:
  • without releasing the keys, press and release the reset button on the back
  • if the calculator didn't turn back on automatically, still without releasing the 3 keys, type :nsho: , 2 times if necessary

What do you get on the screen ?
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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install nLoader / TI-Nspire CX

Unread postby parrotgeek1 » 12 May 2019, 05:16

critor wrote:Thanks.

Hm, I thought nLoader was disabling the downgrade protection...

Ok, assuming you performed the installation how-to accurately, let's try bypassing nLoader :
  • hold :nses: :nsme: :nsmo:
  • without releasing the keys, press and release the reset button on the back
  • if the calculator didn't turn back on automatically, still without releasing the 3 keys, type :nsho: , 2 times if necessary

What do you get on the screen ?

It's supposed to disable the downgrade protection but it doesn't reset BootD itself so if you EVER boot unpatched boot2 via esc+menu+- you are stuck
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