
[Tuto] [EN/FR] Install nLoader / TI-Nspire CX

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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install nLoader / TI-Nspire CX

Unread postby parrotgeek1 » 27 Feb 2018, 18:33

critor wrote:It's true that I would have preferred for the CAS calculations patches to be kept outside of the boot loader, since they aren't boot-related,

When they are outside of the boot loader, it causes the calculator to hang on the clock screen when entering exam mode. It is not possible to fix this because of the Ndless change to use relative paths for startup programs.

(In the US, it is common for CAS calculators to be allowed on exams but they have to be in exam mode)
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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install nLoader / TI-Nspire CX

Unread postby critor » 27 Feb 2018, 18:58

parrotgeek1 wrote:When they are outside of the boot loader, it causes the calculator to hang on the clock screen when entering exam mode.

Interesting, I didn't know about this issue, thanks.

Yes indeed, a boot loader should do everything it can to successfully launch all compatible OSes in all cases.
Keeping users on frozen screens and thus with semi-bricked calculators is not acceptable, and dramatic in the case of tests (no access to the required tools to repair).
Then it seems I should address this in ControlX some way too.
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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install nLoader / TI-Nspire CX

Unread postby parrotgeek1 » 27 Feb 2018, 19:32

critor wrote:Keeping users on frozen screens and thus with semi-bricked calculators is not acceptable, and dramatic in the case of tests (no access to the required tools to repair).
Then it seems I should address this in ControlX some way too.

Sometimes it will boot, but then you can't calculate anything without a crash, which is also unexpected and bad
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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install nLoader / TI-Nspire CX

Unread postby critor » 27 Feb 2018, 21:29

Parties C, E et F traduites en français.

Manque la partie D, ainsi que toute la section sur l'installation d'OS.
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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install nLoader / TI-Nspire CX

Unread postby parrotgeek1 » 28 Feb 2018, 06:42

critor wrote:Parties C, E et F traduites en français.

Manque la partie D, ainsi que toute la section sur l'installation d'OS.

I just tried this on my new CX, and it works fine, but there are a lot of graphical bugs in nMaker's file selection screen on CR4 (for example the top bar only shows 2 letters)

P.S. You should add a note that if you see a solid red screen after the boot2 loads, it means the OS is unsupported. In beta 2 it will be a message.

P.P.S. Somehow my progress bar start/end pixels are STILL wrong on CR4. Ugh. Will be fixed in beta 2

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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install nLoader / TI-Nspire CX

Unread postby critor » 28 Feb 2018, 10:57

I'll check, thanks.
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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install nLoader / TI-Nspire CX

Unread postby critor » 28 Feb 2018, 12:10

Oh, nice thing you did hide there :

Shown for several seconds on each boot, very responsible from you, I wasn't expecting this at all. :bj:
Why didn't you say anything about this when several of us were sad/mad to discover the integration of the CAS calculation patch ? ;)
Exam proctors would just have to press reset - quite easy, hence impossible to cheat. :)
Maybe you should contact TI to tell them more about your motivations and about this, so they can correctly inform exam proctors, since it's this time of the year. They may appreciate.

What a pity some people didn't at least have the respect to take the time testing the tool in this context *before* bashing you for promoting cheating... :mj:
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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install nLoader / TI-Nspire CX

Unread postby Lionel Debroux » 28 Feb 2018, 12:39

IIUC, from both his previous posts and this screenshot, all he did is putting a special license which doesn't prevent cheaters from cheating, and a warning message which does not prevent cheaters from cheating ? Both steps were wastes of his time :)

In OS 3.6 onwards, TI added some checks to help prevent running the CAS OS on the models sold as non-CAS, spread throughout the OS. [EDIT: whatever I'm referring to wasn't present on older versions of the OS, 3.6 was the version where TI seriously did something to prevent running the CAS OS on the models sold as non-CAS]. Pieces of code which nullify such checks are toxic to the community, and as previously described, any ready-made versions of this tool's binaries where TI's anti-CAS-on-non-CAS functionality is worked around shall be erased from the TI community's websites - sadly. Yes, even if they have some valid usages outside of exam testing mode.
Failure to do that (on a best-effort basis) potentially opens liability to various forms of legal attacks... I'm sure you'd be overjoyed to see TI-Planet embroiled in such issues, letting Cemetech reign supreme on the TI community ;)
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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install nLoader / TI-Nspire CX

Unread postby critor » 28 Feb 2018, 12:42

Lionel Debroux wrote:In OS 3.6 onwards, TI added some checks to help prevent running the CAS OS on the models sold as non-CAS, spread throughout the OS.

Totally wrong. (Did you check ?)

So the rest is irrelevant for the moment.
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Re: [Tuto] [EN/FR] Install nLoader / TI-Nspire CX

Unread postby Lionel Debroux » 28 Feb 2018, 12:47

Totally wrong.

Well, the "CAS" string is precisely one of the pieces of code to help prevent running the CAS OS on the models sold as non-CAS, but whatever... you're right as always, and I'm wrong despite stating a fact :)

(Did you check ?)

Nope, not by myself, as a matter of true fact. It's been years since I disassembled a Nspire OS binary.
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