
[TUTO][FR/EN] Installer Ndless 3.6/ Install Ndless 3.6

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Re: [TUTO][FR/EN] Installer Ndless 3.6/ Install Ndless 3.6

Unread postby bwpbruce » 19 Jul 2014, 12:46

I'm one of those people who believes "there's always a way". There has to be a way to get sound on this device.
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Re: [TUTO][FR/EN] Installer Ndless 3.6/ Install Ndless 3.6

Unread postby Adriweb » 19 Jul 2014, 21:31

With external hardware, sure.
But since pretty much nobody cares, it hasn't really been done.

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Re: [TUTO][FR/EN] Installer Ndless 3.6/ Install Ndless 3.6

Unread postby Lionel Debroux » 20 Jul 2014, 08:18

Exactly. Sound on the Nspire has been done, through both Lua (where one cannot send 0x00 bytes) and native code, but very few people bother.

Built-in sound has been a standard feature of HP calculators for decades... but the tradition ended with the Prime (maybe the slightly older, and far less powerful, 39gII ?), tailored to those silly standardized exam testing restrictions, which has no integrated buzzer.
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Re: [TUTO][FR/EN] Installer Ndless 3.6/ Install Ndless 3.6

Unread postby patrizioerre » 02 Aug 2014, 15:11

I'm a newbie in nSpire environment so sorry for my ignorance: it seems like there is no Ndless for 3.9 firmware, but is there some way to install that even after getting this newest OS in your handeld (through downgrade as an example) ?
As I am very interested in nPDF and I'm trying to figure out if it can be installed
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Re: [TUTO][FR/EN] Installer Ndless 3.6/ Install Ndless 3.6

Unread postby Lionel Debroux » 02 Aug 2014, 15:35

it seems like there is no Ndless for 3.9 firmware,


but is there some way to install that even after getting this newest OS in your handeld (through downgrade as an example) ?

If the OS was installed the normal way, no easy way. The anti-downgrade protection was raised to forbid downgrade to OS versions older than 3.9.x.
If your Nspire is old enough (all Clickpad and Touchpad, CM-C, CX older than hardware revision J), downgrading the boot2 through the RS232 TTL port, and using nLaunchy, could do the job, but that requires extra equipment. If your CX CAS has hardware revision J or newer, no joy.
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Re: [TUTO][FR/EN] Installer Ndless 3.6/ Install Ndless 3.6

Unread postby patrizioerre » 04 Aug 2014, 01:18

I installed 3.9 by the student software, it seems like nPDF will be forbidden to me ... how do I know which hardware revision is my CX CAS ? Do you mean that alphanumeric code written on its back ? mine starts with P and ends with L ... so does anybody know if Ndless for 3.9 is set to be worked on and/or will eventually be released in future ?
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Re: [TUTO][FR/EN] Installer Ndless 3.6/ Install Ndless 3.6

Unread postby romi » 19 Sep 2014, 14:00


J'ai un soucis en branchant ma TI sur l'ordi, elle a été mis à jour sur l'OS 3.9 et je voudrai installé Ndless 3.6.
Mais cela marche pas. Donc j'ai voulu reset ma TI et mettre l'OS 3.6 mais j'ai un msg me disant "impossible d'installé un OS de version précédente à la version installé alors que la TI est "rest".
Une idée?
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Re: [TUTO][FR/EN] Installer Ndless 3.6/ Install Ndless 3.6

Unread postby critor » 19 Sep 2014, 14:15

patrizioerre wrote:I installed 3.9 by the student software, it seems like nPDF will be forbidden to me ... how do I know which hardware revision is my CX CAS ? Do you mean that alphanumeric code written on its back ? mine starts with P and ends with L ...

Yes, you have hardware revision L.
Which means there is no way to go back to 3.6 for now, even for me. :(

patrizioerre wrote:so does anybody know if Ndless for 3.9 is set to be worked on and/or will eventually be released in future ?

Unfortunately, I have no news from this. :(

romi wrote:J'ai un soucis en branchant ma TI sur l'ordi, elle a été mis à jour sur l'OS 3.9 et je voudrai installé Ndless 3.6.
Mais cela marche pas. Donc j'ai voulu reset ma TI et mettre l'OS 3.6 mais j'ai un msg me disant "impossible d'installé un OS de version précédente à la version installé alors que la TI est "rest".
Une idée?

C'est hélas normal, TI interdit le retour à une version antérieure. :(
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Re: [TUTO][FR/EN] Installer Ndless 3.6/ Install Ndless 3.6

Unread postby Kohta » 20 Sep 2014, 19:02

J'ai une question, j'ai une Ti-Nspire CX version et j'ai la lettre P-XXXXD. Puisque mettre Ndless 3.6/3.1 sans problème?

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Re: [TUTO][FR/EN] Installer Ndless 3.6/ Install Ndless 3.6

Unread postby critor » 20 Sep 2014, 19:03

Oui, aucun problème :)
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