
[TUTO][FR/EN] Installer Ndless 3.6/ Install Ndless 3.6

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Re: [TUTO][FR/EN] Installer Ndless 3.6/ Install Ndless 3.6

Unread postby jaroslavN » 29 May 2016, 17:14

xapu wrote:Hi,

I have model P-0614P versión

I think that ndless 3.6 dont compatible, it's true?

I need zoom images mViewer CX 4.3, but i think that this pragram only use ndless3.6

How i can use zoom images? how steps? please help

why not upgrading to 4.0.3 you can use mviewer + hook
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Re: [TUTO][FR/EN] Installer Ndless 3.6/ Install Ndless 3.6

Unread postby Bisam » 29 May 2016, 19:21

@xapu :
You may use either Ndless >= 3.9. All will give you the use of the Ndless version of mviewer, and especially the zoom.

BUT you don't need Ndless at all, if you use the Lua version of mviewer !
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