
Change operative system TI-Nspire CX ii T to the CAS one

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Change operative system TI-Nspire CX ii T to the CAS one

Unread postby markelle » Yesterday, 13:01

Good morning!

I am writing this post to ask everyone, if someone could help me, if there is any way to change the operative system of a calculator to another one.

I have the Texas Instruments Calculator TI Nspire CX II T, and for some college subjects i need to solve systems, ecuations... which when i bought the calculator, i did not know that this one could't do those things. However, the CAS can do it, something as I have said that i did not know, so i would love to change the operative system of my calculator to the CAS one.

Does anyone know if this is possible?
Any help is really appreciated,

Thank you so much in advance!!
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Re: Change operative system TI-Nspire CX ii T to the CAS one

Unread postby critor » Yesterday, 13:03


I am sorry but there is no known way for installing the CAS operating system on non-CAS TI-Nspire CX II calculators.

This is only possible on some previous TI-Nspire CX calculators.
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Re: Change operative system TI-Nspire CX ii T to the CAS one

Unread postby markelle » Yesterday, 13:05

Okay, that is pretty tough because I don't want to spend as much money as I had to spend when i bought the first calc.
Thank you so much for your help critor, have a nice day <3
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